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in which, wednesday enjoys seeing you so obedient

this is so short i'm sorry 😭😭

warning: smut, g!p reader, bondage, sensory deprivation, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it ppl), kinda soft!dom wednesday, im ngl this had knifeplay at first but i didn't think it fit very much so i got rid of it, idk maybe i'll add it in a different chapter, porn w/out a plot, i think that's it??

character is 18+

you tugged gently at the ropes that held your hands up, a soft whine leaving your mouth. you just wanted to touch your girlfriend, but of course she wouldn't allow it, not until you earned it. so stubborn sometimes.

she dragged your bottom lip down with her thumb, watching as it fell back into place once she let it go. she leaned in until her lips were ghosting over yours, and it took everything in you not to lean up and kiss her. "are you ready?" she whispered, fingers tapping gently at your cheek. you swallowed harshly, stuttering out a small 'yes', and she lowered the black blindfold down to your eyes, tying it around your head.

after confirming that you couldn't see, she stood from your lap. there was some shuffling, and when she joined you back down on your bed, her bare thighs straddled your stomach. you could feel the heat radiating from her body, feel her slick against your abdomen, and another groan slipped past your lips.

"wednesday..." you murmured lowly, hips bucking up into the air. you were painfully erect, pre-cum dripping from your tip. she pressed a few soft kisses down your neck, and then she was shuffling down. she sat herself between your legs, her hands trailing down your thighs and then finally, finally she wrapped a hand around your cock. her thumb brushed against your tip, and you flinched in surprise. she slowly dragged her hand down to your base, and then back up again. "oh, fuck, wednesday, please," you breathed out, hips slowly thrusting into her palm.

she amused you for a minute, her hand stroking your length, and then she was pulling away. you whimpered at the loss, tugging again at your restraints. "patience, cara mia," she murmured, her voice low. her hands pressed up against your chest and she hovered over your cock, slowly lowering herself until her cunt was pressing up against your tip. she was so wet, already dripping down the side of you, and you were sure that you had died and gone to heaven. she sank down a little lower, letting out a quiet sigh as you slipped inside her.

she leaned down, letting her chest rest against yours as she brushed her lips against your ear. "i love being full of you," she murmured, pressing a tender kiss to your jaw. "being stretched by you." you whined pathetically, arching up to try and push yourself farther in her.

"oh, please— wanna touch you so bad." she brought a hand to your face, cupping your cheek and leaning down to press her lips against yours in a rushed kiss. you groaned, tugging at your wrists as you tried to take in as much of her as you could.

her pussy fluttered around your cock as she slowly raised her hips, leaving only your head inside her, and she shuddered as she lowered them back down, breaking the kiss to let out a breathy moan. you groaned desperately, your cock twitching inside her, and you were worried for a moment if you were going to cum just from hearing her.

she set a steady pace, hands pressing against your stomach to hold herself up. you knew that you wouldn't last long, not when you could feel her throbbing around you, not when her moans were so soft, so sweet.

"shit— wednesday," you murmured, hips bucking up to meet hers every time she lowered herself. you felt a familiar tug in your stomach. "wednesday, i'm gonna— please, can i—" you trailed off, your mind too far gone to form a full sentence.

she leaned her face over yours, grabbing your bottom lip with her teeth, and pulling it out before releasing it to kiss you hard. "you're going to cum?" she whispered, lowly, and you nodded frantically, eyebrows knit together, in hopes that she would have at least some mercy on you.

and she did, whispering praises into your ear until you were cumming hard, blood rushing into your ears and stars bursting behind your eyes. her hips stuttered as she felt you release inside her, and she let out a soft moan, her own arousal slipping past her legs and down onto your cock.

she didn't stop, her hips still sinking down on you, and not even a few moments later, your hands were tugging at your restraints as you came once more.

you twisted below her, the feeling of her gripping around you almost too much to bear. "wednesday, please," you whined, head tilting back against your pillows.

she slowed her pace, and you felt her hands tug the blindfold up and off your eyes. you breathed a sigh of relief, relishing in the cool air, and the fact that you could finally look at her, see how beautiful she was after you made her cum.

you tugged at your restraints, looking up at her with a pleading look. "take them off?" she shook her head slowly, ghosting her lips over your own. you bit back a groan, wanting desperately just to feel her.

"we're not done yet, cara mia," she purred, raising her fingers towards your neck, and gently trailing them down your chest. "you were so good for me, letting me use you like that. how about we put that pretty mouth to use next? does that sound good?"

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