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in which, even though you aren't really hers, wednesday gets upset people are flirting with you

i feel rly bad abt this cause i have like so many requests rn but i've been so busy recently and i have literally zero ideas so updates are probably gonna be slow for a little bit 😭😭 ending was rushed tbh sorry abt that


wednesday watched you as you sat a few tables in front of her, chatting with enid. she said something, and you let out a loud laugh. wednesday huffed, her eyebrows pinching together. surely it hadn't been that funny.

you leaned over, your arm brushing against enid's as you reached over to grab the ingredients. the ingredients for a potion wednesday was supposed to be making, but she was currently distracted, leaving her partner to do it alone.

enid smiled sweetly at you, nodding along as you explained what to do. "—and then you just take this, you press it down like this," you took the flat part of a knife and pushed down. "there." you smiled, scooping up the pieces and tossing them into the bowl in front of you.

enid hummed, her hand inching towards you. her hand brushed against yours, and then she interlocked your fingers. you glanced up at her, chuckling nervously.

wednesday frowned, her jaw clenched so tight she was afraid she might break a tooth. her mind wandered back to a few days earlier, when the two of you hid together in an empty classroom. how her lipstick stained your mouth, how your hair had become disheveled from her wandering hands. she inhaled deeply, her hands bunching up the ends of her skirt.

when you had leaned closer to enid, and your body pressed against hers, wednesday stood abruptly, storming out of the classroom.

you looked over for a moment, seeing her empty seat, yet her bag laid against the side of the desk. you didn't pay it much attention, only assumed she went to the restroom.

when class ended, and she hadn't returned, you said goodbye to enid, and grabbed wednesday's bag, walking towards ophelia hall.

you knocked on her door, and when you didn't receive and answer, swung it open. wednesday sat at her desk, her fingers resting on the keys of her typewriter.

"you forgot your bag."

she didn't reply, but she stood, walking towards you and taking it from your hands.

"you didn't come back to class. are you okay?" she nodded stiffly, looking up at you with a barely noticeable frown. when you nodded, and then turned to leave, she finally spoke.

"you and enid seem close."

"yeah, she's cool." you shrugged, glancing back over at her.

wednesday nodded, taking a step closer. "she is. but, you seem close." she spoke, her tone laced with hurt.

you chuckled quietly. "wednesday, when we agreed to start...this...you said no feelings would get involved. no jealousy, you know?"

she huffed. "i'm not jealous." she spoke, but you only smiled.

"fine. y/n...i'm afraid that i..." she paused, taking a deep breath. you waited patiently, knowing that she hated speaking about her emotions. "i've broken our rules. i believe we should end this."

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