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in which, months after your breakup with jenna, you find yourself calling her

(thx for 2k reads and 100 votes 🤯🤯 that's crazy ty ty)

you sat outside your house, the cement hard against your body. you breathed in, the fresh air making your eyes water slightly. when you exhaled, you watched smoke come out of your mouth.

you sat for a moment, debating your next move. you could go back inside, and enjoy the warmth of your girlfriend, or you could do what you were hoping you'd do out here.

with a sigh, you reached into your pocket, pulling out your phone. icy fingers tapped shakily against your phone screen, and you stared with a small frown at jenna's phone number.

you clamped your eyes shut, holding a breath as you tapped her number. you reached up, pressing your phone against your ear. it rang for a moment, and seeing how late it was, you weren't sure if she would answer.

your mouth dried when you heard a groggy voice come through the speaker.


you swallowed harshly, unsure of what to say. jesus, you should at least thought of what to say before calling her.

this was the first time you'd heard her voice in months. you avoided every interview and movie of hers since your breakup.

you missed it, though. you missed waking up to it, waking up to her kissing you, or hugging you.

there was a quiet shuffling noise, and then she spoke again.

"y/n? why..." she trailed off.

"i'm sorry. i shouldn't have called," you muttered, pulling the phone away from your ear. you were about to press the end button, but she quickly spoke.

"wait! it's fine...just...we haven't talked in a while."

"yeah. i didn't...i just wanted to...hear your voice," you spoke sheepishly, growing slightly embarrassed the more you talked.

"oh." she replied, her voice gentle. it was quiet for a moment, and you pulled the phone away from your ear, checking with a small frown to see if she had hung up. "how have you been?"

"good. i heard you were...seeing someone." you winced, silently cursing yourself for mentioning that. it was true, though. a friend had told you about it a few weeks earlier.

"oh...yeah. that's...what about you?"

"yeah. i'm...dating someone." you smiled softly at the mention of your girlfriend, but it faded quickly.

you were beginning to feel guilty for calling jenna. why would you call your ex girlfriend, while your current girlfriend was sleeping peacefully in your bed?



there was an awkward silence. you picked nervously at the patch of grass next to you.

"i should go." you spoke, flushing in embarrassment, and regret. you shouldn't have called her, you should've just stayed asleep, you shou—.

"wait, i wanna talk to you." her voice was so soft. each word that left her mouth only caused you to miss her more. "just...are you okay? i mean— not to sound...i don't know. i just...i know how you get."

your mouth fell open, eyebrows furrowing. "i didn't call you for a therapy session."

she didn't reply right away. you swallowed harshly, teeth chewing gently on your bottom lip. "sorry. i'm fine, jenna. i just..." you trailed off. you weren't fine, you missed her more than anything. you felt terrible about it, it was practically eating you alive.

your girlfriend was amazing. she was beautiful, and so smart, and supportive, probably one of the sweetest people you've ever met. and, you did like her, but it seemed as if everything the two of you did reminded you of jenna. jenna was almost all of your firsts, the two of you spent years together. it was hard not to think of her.

"are you outside right now?" you smiled sheepishly, suddenly aware of the goosebumps that were scattered across your skin.


"jesus, y/n. it's freezing out."

"i like it." you shrugged, though you did want to go inside. lay in your warm bed, although, preferably alone. you weren't sure if you could look at your girlfriend's face after this call. "you know i do."

"yeah, i do." she let out a soft sigh, and there was more shuffling. she was whispering now, and you were almost sure she had her hand near her mouth. "i have to go. it...was good talking to you."

"yeah. um...bye, jenna."

"goodbye." she hung up without another word, leaving you sitting out in the cold, your arm falling limp as you let your phone drop.

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