*j.o* (p.2)

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i feel like i should name my chapters because they're getting confusing but idk what to name them 😭 also i haven't updated all summer even tho i said i was gonna...sorry about that 🥴

she chuckled quietly, shrugging. "don't worry, i've also wanted to." she smiled, licking her lips as she took your wrist in her hand, slowly guiding it between her thighs. "just tell me if you ever want to stop, okay?"

you gulped, your heart beating wildly as your fingers trailed up her inner thigh. "totally...but, i don't think i'll want to stop."


as your fingers travelled along her thigh, making their way between her legs, jenna put a hand on the back of your neck. she brought you down, and you followed eagerly, your lips parting to meet hers.

the second your lips touched hers, a shiver ran down your spine. your stomach fluttered, and your fingers pressed into her thighs, earning a sharp gasp from the girl below you. the kiss was gentle, and sweet, and as your tongue met hers, your burned the taste of her into your mind.

your eyes drifted down her body, admiring the sight of her freckled face, her delicious thighs, and...

oh my god.

you slowly brought your hand forward, and your fingers trembled with nerves as they grazed against her dripping pussy. the feeling alone could've made you come right then and there, but you weren't able to look at her for long. jenna brought you back into another kiss, her tongue pushing hungrily into your mouth.

she reached down between your bodies, and her hand wrapped around your palm. she pressed your fingers against her cunt, and you felt your heart skip a beat as your fingertips dipped inside her.

you kissed her deeply, breathing heavily through your nose. your fingers slowly pushed inside her pussy, and they began to pump in and out, curling from time to time. as you tried to get a feel for what she liked, her hand let go of yours and cupped your face.

she let out a low groan when your fingers hit a spot deep inside her cunt, and you felt a surge of pride run through your chest. you aimed your thrusts into that spot, earning moans, and groans, and when she gasped out your name, your body shuddered with delight.

she pulled away from your lips, her jaw hanging open and her head pressing down into her pillow. her nails clawed at your forearm, leaving little half-moon marks as your fingers continued to thrust in and out of her pussy.

"f-faster, please...please..."

her voice was shaky as she spoke, and her words were drowned out by her moans. your arm ached as you sped up, but the image of her hips grinding against your fingers was enough to send a burst of energy through your body.

she let out a sharp groan as your fingers sped up, and her eyes squeezed shut, her mouth hanging open. her hips squirmed slightly, and she let out a soft whine, pushing at your chest.

your fingers slid out of her pussy, and you admired her for a moment, taking in the sight of her post-orgasm appearance.

jenna shuddered, her eyelids fluttering. her legs closed and she took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"shit..." she mumbled, licking her lips. "that was...i didn't want it to...be over so soon."

you smiled slightly, glancing down at your fingers, which dripped with her juices. with a small, yet slightly embarrassed smile, you wiped your fingers off and then you laid down next to her, looking up at her ceiling."

she rolled onto her side, and her leg draped over yours. her fingers slid down your stomach, but you took her hand, bringing it up towards your face. her eyes flickered up to yours, and she frowned slightly.

"that's not fair," she whispered, her eyes narrowing slightly, "i want to touch you now." her thumb brushed across your cheek, and she leaned in slightly, her teeth tugging at her bottom lip.

you felt your face burn with both embarrassment, and lust. a small smile spread across your face, and you leaned in to press a gentle peck against her lips.

"later. let me hold you first."

she let out a deep, overly dramatic sigh, but from the way she draped her arm over your stomach, and let her head rest on your shoulder, it was clear that she didn't mind.

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now