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in which, jenna has a request for the bedroom

warning: smut

requested 😭😭

"baby?" jenna calls out, knocking on your bedroom door.


she enters, shutting the door behind her. her hands are behind her back, and she has a shy smile spread across her face. "what're you doing?"

"just reading," you tilt the book up so she could see the cover. she hums, sitting down next to you.

"hey...um, baby, i was just wondering..." she pauses, letting out a nervous giggle.

you gaze up at her, slipping your bookmark between the pages, and setting your book to the side. "yeah?"

"um..." she chuckles nervously, a blush forming along her cheeks. she glances down at the ground, her fingers playing with her hoodie sleeve. "can we try something?"

"what do you mean?" you chuckle quietly, your head tilting to the side.

she smiles shyly, leaning in and kissing you softly. she pulls away, only slightly, and when she speaks again, you feel her breath brush against your lips.

"i wanna ride your face, baby."

your mouth drops open, in shock, a warm feeling spreading throughout your body. that wasn't at all what you thought she was going to say. "are— for real? like, right now?"

she nods, tugging her lip in between her teeth. "you don't want me to?"

"i do! i just...that was very..." you clear your throat, smiling sheepishly. "unexpected."

she smiles, pressing another kiss to your lips. "so, can i?"



jenna positions herself right over your face. you let out a groan, your hands reaching up to grasp her thighs, trying desperately to pull her down. your tongue pokes out to lick your lips. "fuck, baby," you murmur, a quiet plea for her to lower her body.

she smiles shyly, her hips beginning to lower onto your face. when her weight falls down onto you, you moan, circling her clit with your tongue. she gasps out, her hips grinding against you.

her fingers tangle in your hair, pulling you closer to her. you slip your tongue into her entrance, groaning when she tugs particularly hard. the vibrations cause her to cry out, her head dropping forwards. "y/n," she whimpers, hips rocking frantically against your tongue. "please...fuck— please."

it was hard to breath underneath her, and you decided then that if this was how you'd die, you would have no regrets.

broken cries leave her mouth, and pride swells in your chest when she gasps out your name. her eyes pry open, and she watches you with furrowed eyebrows, her mouth hanging open. her fingers tighten in your hair, tugging harshly. your eyes tear up from the pain, but she looks so pretty above you, you couldn't possibly stop.

"i can't—please...please," she pants. her thighs begin to clench around your head, and you know she's close.

it only takes a few more seconds before her legs start to tremble beside you, and she cries out your name. you slow down, your tongue rubbing gentle circles against her clit.

she breathes heavily above you. her hands release your hair, and her fingers run through it to soothe the aching. you kiss at her thighs, watching as she lets her head drop.

"fuck," she whispers, a smile gracing her lips.


she doesn't answer right away, instead slowly tries to push herself up. her legs shake above you, then she groans, sliding down to lay beside you.

"very," she breathes out, her head falling onto your pillow.

"you should do that more often," you whisper, turning on your side to face her. "god, you looked so good. i literally could have laid there all day."

she tilts her head, grinning playfully. with a tired shrug, she replies, "maybe you'll get lucky. i do have a free day tomorrow."

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