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in which, jenna and you get carried away in the bathroom

ok ok i lied i'm gonna post a couple drafts

warning: smut, g!p reader, unprotected sex


you nodded along to what emma was saying, but her words sounded jumbled in your head. you were distracted by jenna, who shuddered underneath your touch.

you slipped your hand past her skirt, gently kneading her soft thighs before continuing towards her center.

she stared over at you, a glare on her face, but you didn't make eye contact. when your fingers brushed against the damp fabric of her underwear, she shot up, causing emma to stop talking. "i need to use the restroom." she spoke, turning around and rushing off.

with a smug smile, you continued speaking to emma. then, a few minutes after jenna had left, you excused yourself. you made your way to your bathroom, stepping in and locking the door behind you. jenna stood, a glare on her face.

you smiled teasingly, tilting your head. "what's wrong?"

"what is wrong with you? what if she saw you?" she grumbled, staring at you in shock.

you scoffed, stepping closer to her and wrapping your arms around her waist. "you're not really mad are you? i just wanted to make you feel good," you shrugged innocently, leaning in to kiss the corner of her lips.

she melted against you, her hands reaching up to cup your cheeks. "there's a time and a place." she whined, though she tilted her head to the side, allowing you to attach your lips to her neck. you kissed her skin, biting down softly and soothing your marks with your tongue.

"i want you so bad." you mumbled against her, trailing your lips down to her collarbone. she let out a shaky breath, her arms draping across your shoulders. "please?" she whined softly, her hips bucking into you.

"fuck—," she sighed out, her nails clawing at your shirt. "just be quick..." another quiet moan leaves her mouth when you press your fingers against her clothed cunt.

you pushed her skirt down, sliding it off her legs and tossing it to the side. you trailed your hand into her underwear, collecting her slick on your fingers. she whined, hips grinding gently against your hand. you pulled your hand out, raising it up and tapping against her lips. she smiled teasingly, opening her mouth and allowing you to slip your fingers inside. her tongue slid across them, her cheeks hollowing as she made a show of sucking herself off you.

with a quiet groan, you swiftly pulled her underwear down. you began to unbuckle your pants, which had grown uncomfortable from your bulge. jenna watched you with a half-lidded gaze, her cheeks flushed. a breathless sigh leaves your mouth when your hardened cock springs out from your boxers.

"get on your knees."

her lips parted in surprise, but she quickly bent down, a quiet sigh leaving her mouth at the way you twitched in front of her. she pressed a soft kiss to the throbbing tip of your cock, then she opened her mouth, wrapping her plump lips around you. you groaned softly, your hands reaching down to brush her hair out of her face.

she pressed her tongue against the base of your cock, slowly trailing it to your tip. you gasped out, the feeling alone almost making you cum.

her head bobbed up and down, her hand stroking whatever couldn't fit in her mouth. your head fell backwards, soft groans leaving your mouth.

"fuck," you murmured softly, prying your eyes open to watch her. "you look so pretty, baby." you spoke, your hips gently thrusting into her mouth. she hummed a 'thank you', and the vibration sent a shiver down your spine.

you tugged her up towards you. she let go of you with a quiet pop! and leaned in, kissing you harshly. "please," she mumured against you, her breath tickling your face. "please, just fuck me." with a soft groan, you turned her around, and she pressed her hands against the wall to hold herself up.

you coated your tip with her arousal, teasing her entrance for a moment, enjoying the way she shuddered underneath you. slowly, you pushed your tip inside her, moaning from the way she gripped around you.

she inhaled deeply when you finally buried yourself inside her. you pressed against her back, your fingers digging into her hips as you held her close.

"you feel so good," you mumbled, leaning down to press your lips against the back of her neck. "so pretty when i fuck you like this." you pulled back, leaving only the tip of your cock in her, before thrusting your hips forward.

she cried out, quickly raising a hand to cover her mouth, but you grabbed her wrist, dragging it back towards her tailbone. "wanna hear you, baby. let me hear how good you feel." you muttered as you fucked into her, receiving multiple half-uttered curses.

you wanted to take your time, but the sound of her arousal echoing through the room clouded your mind. she trembled underneath you. she was so warm, so tight. her whines, the feeling of her throbbing, it only spurred you on more.

"m'gonna cum," she cried out, her head falling forwards against the wall. "fuck."

you pounded into her, panting heavily against her skin as you fucked her into her orgasm. she let out a loud moan, her body seizing as she came around you.

she laid limp against the door, her heart thrumming as she tried to catch her breath. slowly, you pulled yourself out of her. she let out a soft whimper from the empty feeling, legs trembling as she turned around to face you.

with a soft smile, she licked her lips, then whispered, "emma definitely heard us."

"oh, for sure."

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now