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in which, tara visits you on your anniversary

i've been wanting to write one like this for a while but i didn't rly know how i should do it so it's a little bit short tbh 😭😭

tara walked through the graveyard, her footsteps crunching against the fallen leaves. her eyes scanned the area until they landed on a certain tombstone.

she let out a shaky breath as she stepped over, kneeling down beside the grave. she picked up the dead flowers laying on the dirt, and replaced it with the fresh ones she had bought on the way here.

as soon as her eyes locked with your name, any tears that she was trying to hold back had escaped. she let out a choked sob, pulling her knees to her chest and pressing her forehead against them.

"i'm always gonna be here for you. i promise, tara. no guy in a mask is gonna take me away from you." you chuckled, kissing away her tears. "i love you, and i'm gonna be right here the entire time."

even then, tara had known you couldn't promise that, but you were so certain, and it had given her false hope.

she lifted her head, wiping harshly at her face. "i said i wasn't gonna cry." she whispered, to no one in particular. "now look at me."

she sighed heavily, resting her chin on her knees to look at your grave. she had worn one of your old t-shirts. it was your favorite, and at first she couldn't understand why, but now it gave her comfort, even if she couldn't remember the last time you had worn it.

"i miss you." she spoke, lips beginning to tremble as new tears formed in her eyes. "i miss you so much. i can't— sometimes, i can't...i forget your voice. and...your touch. i— fuck." she let out another sob, her throat burning as she tried to stop her tears. "you didn't deserve it. you were so— so good."

she was sobbing now, her body trembling as she grasped at the fabric of her jeans.

"don't cry." you whispered, pulling her head into your chest. "please, i hate seeing you cry." your fingers rubbed soothing circles on her back.

something tara desperately needed now. she couldn't count the amount of times she had cried herself to sleep, because she couldn't remember what it was like to touch you.

"no, tara. dont— don't look." you cried out, shaky hands reaching down to cover the wound in your stomach. she collapsed next to you, tears slipping down her cheeks. she pulled your hands away, cradling them in hers.

"it's okay. you're gonna be okay. it's over, it's all over. just— just, stay with me, okay?" she muttered, lifting your head off the ground and onto her lap. she tried to ignore the amount of blood that pooled beneath you, tried to focus only on your face.

you trembled underneath her, goosebumps covering every inch of your skin. "it hurtsit hurts so much."

"i know, im sorry." she choked out. "you're gonna be okay."

tara laid next to your grave for what felt like forever, slow tears falling down her cheeks. when it grew dark, and the cold air blew harshly at her skin, she pushed herself up, gazing over at your tombstone. "i'll be back soon." she whispered, her hand brushing gently against the grooves of your name. "i love you. so much, y/n."

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