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in which, jenna posts on instagram, unaware of the affect it'd have on you.

i literally went into shock when i saw her new post istg i'm not even joking i fully gasped

you scrolled aimlessly through tiktok, chuckling softly at one. an instagram notification popped up on your phone, and you grinned, quickly pressing on it.

you swiped through jenna's photos, eyes widening when you reached the last one. you gasped, a hand slapping over your mouth. you slammed your phone against your bed, looking down nervously at the back of your phone case.

with shaky hands, you reached forwards, tilting your phone screen back to the image. "oh my god," you choked out nervously, a grin spreading across your face.

you quickly liked the image, moving to the comments to type something. then, you threw your phone to the side, rushing out of your bed. you entered your living room to see jenna sitting comfortably on your couch, her eyes on the tv.

you stumbled over, a hand pressed against your heart. "jenna, i swear, if you ever do something like that to me again, i literally almost passed out. jesus, give me a warni-."

"what are you talking about?" she chuckled, an amused smile on her face.

you stared at her, your mouth agape. "are you— your instagram post! you looked so good!" you groaned, collapsing onto the space next to her. "oh my god, you looked so good," you continued, holding a hand dramatically over your forehead. "you are literally so fine," you sighed heavily, letting out a quiet chuckle.

she watched you with a blush, her hand reaching down to push your hair out of your face. she grinned, her tongue poking out to lick her lips. "i looked good?" she hummed, pulling you up towards her.

you nodded, grinning as you leaned into kiss her. "so good," your mumbled against her, hovering over her.

her eyes fluttered shut when your lips left hers, and attached to her neck. she sighed quietly, her lip coming between her teeth.

"so good," you whispered again, lowering to kiss at her collarbone.

jenna let out a nervous giggle when your hands began to wander, causing you to pull away with a smile.

"what was that?"

"nothing," she spoke, her voice cracking slightly. she cleared her throat, glancing away in embarrassment, before looking back at you. she almost moaned at the hungry look in your eyes. "just...i didn't know a single picture could get you so excited," she teased, smiling innocently.

you rolled your eyes playfully, leaning down and pressing your lips against hers. "can i show you how excited i am?" you hum, your fingers reaching down to push past the waistband of her sweatpants. she grinned, sitting up on her elbows to watch you.

"oh, absolutely."

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now