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in which, your friend needs your help in the middle of the night

warning: smut

you groaned, eyes peeling open as your phone blared loudly next to your ear. you squinted, cursing quietly at your past self for having your brightness so high.

you answered the call without even checking the caller. you brought your phone up towards your ear, letting out a yawn as you fell back against your bed. "hello?"

"hey." her voice came out soft, and breathless. your eyes fluttered open, lips turning upwards.

"jenna. what are you doing? it's like..." you paused, pulling your phone away to check the time. "two in the morning. are you okay?" you loved talking to her of course, but she hadn't ever called this late.

"i'm great. i just—." she trailed off. you listened closely for anything on the other line, but you heard nothing except her heavy breaths. "i wanted to hear your voice."

your cheeks flushed, smile growing at her words. "oh. thats...nice. um...but shouldn't you be asleep?"

"y/n," she muttered, voice shaking ever so slightly. your smiled faltered, worry settling into your chest. "i—just..." she trailed off, again.

you pushed yourself up. you were awake now, and filled with worry for your friend. "jenna, seriously, are you okay?"

"m'fine." she breathed out, heavy pants leaving her mouth. "fuck. can you— i need you to come over. please?"

you froze, swallowing hard as you listened to the shuffling from the other side of the phone. "are you—."a warm feeling spread throughout your chest, and down your body. "jenna." you mumbled, suddenly feeling very hot.

"i need you, please, just— come over."


you knocked on jenna's door, chest rising and falling with your heavy pants. it swung open almost immediately, and you were tugged inside.

"finally." she whispered, her warm hands reaching up to pull your face down. you connected your lips in a harsh kiss, soft groans leaving the both of your mouths.

she walked blindly back to her room, her lips only leaving yours when she pulled away to lift up her shirt. your reached forwards, hands massaging her through the fabric of her bra.

finally, you entered her room. she fell backwards against her mattress, her hands tugging you down with her. you pulled away from her lips, diving down to kiss the soft skin of her neck. she sighed, head falling back against her pillows and allowing more space for your gentle bites.

you kissed down her chest, pulling away only to unhook her lacy bra. your eyes widened as you peeled it off her. you swallowed harshly, mouth watering as you leaned back down, pressing open-mouthed kisses against her warm skin. she hummed above you, hands pushing down on your shoulders, but you shoved them away, continuing down her body until you reached the waistband of her sweatpants. with slow movements, and an innocent smile when jenna complained above you, you pulled them down, tugging them off her legs and throwing them to the side of her room.

you admired her, the sight of her legs spread in front of you enough to have you pooling between your thighs. you leaned forwards, pressing a gentle kiss against the fabric of her panties. she let out a breathy sigh, eyes fluttering shut.

you hooked your fingers underneath her underwear, pulling them down. your mouth watered at the sight of her pretty cunt dripping in anticipation, and you couldn't stop yourself as you reached forwards, walking your fingers her folds. you spread her arousal on your fingers, eyes glancing up at her face as you teased her entrance with your fingertips.

she watched you with hooded eyes, her bottom lip tugged up between her teeth. slowly, you pushed two fingers inside her, soft moans leaving each of your mouths.

"jesus— you're so..." you paused, swallowing nervously as you pulled your fingers out, then pushed them back in. she was so warm, so tight. the feeling alone could probably have you cream your pants.

you didn't understand how you had gotten here. you had been sleeping peacefully, but now you were here, two fingers deep inside your best friend. you weren't complaining, though.

she looked so pretty like this, with her eyes all blissed out, her plump lips swollen and pink, her pussy clenching around your fingers as your fucked into her.

her chest heaved, hips rocking frantically against your hand. you knew she was close, each pulse around your fingers sent another wave of heat through your body.

you dived down, your fingers never stopping. you licked a slow strip against her clit, then wrapped your lips around it. she gasped out, hand reaching down and tugging somewhat harshly at your hair.

she liked that, you noted. she was practically pushing you farther into her as you alternated between licking, and sucking her clit, until finally, her thighs gripped around your head, back arching into the mattress.

she let out a string of curses as a wave of cum dripped down your chin, and onto your hand. you pulled your fingers out of her, licking at her cunt as you cleaned her off.

she pushed forcefully at you head, so you sat up. you wiped at your mouth, smiling down at her. "you're welcome."

she hummed in reply, eyes fluttering closed, and chest rising as she tried to catch her breath. "thank you." she mumbled breathlessly.

she sat up, throwing her legs over the side of her bed and standing. you felt a small surge of pride as she stumbled over towards her bathroom. she disappeared, and you heard the sound of her shower running.

"hey— um...im gonna go," you called out after a moment, standing and slowly backing out of her room.

"no! no— um...can you stay, actually?" jenna's head peeked around the corner of the doorframe, as if you hadn't just seen her completely naked.

with a fond smile, you nodded, making yourself comfortable on her bed. you scrolled through your phone, until you felt the bed dip beside you.

jenna watched you, a small smile on her face. "sorry. it's just...it's late. i don't want anything bad to happen, you know." you could see her blush even through the dark. you nodded, a gentle hand reaching for her waist. she scooted closer, glancing up at you every few seconds.

"i get it. goodnight." you spoke, your voice barely over a whisper.


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