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in which, tara is home alone, and you decide to spend some quality time together

a little short but i'm working on a part 2 for my recent jenna one so for now here you go 🤞🏻

warning: smut, strap-on sex

no scream 6 spoilers dw dw

when tara had texted you, you already knew that you'd be having sex. sam was gone, away at work, and it left the two of you alone for the first time in a while. of course you'd be having sex.

though it was taking much longer than you had hoped, and you were starting to grow impatient.

tara was cuddled up into your side, and a boring horror movie had been playing for the past hour. you couldn't pay attention, not when her hands were sliding underneath your t-shirt, fingers grazing the waistband of your pants and brushing along your hips.

you let out a bored sigh, glancing over at her, only to see her already looking at you. she smiled then, a small, teasing smile, and then she was rolling over to slide onto your lap. she pushed her hips down, rocking slowly into you. she tugged her bottom lip up in between her teeth, chewing softly at the skin, and she gazed down at you through her eyelashes.

you watched her, mouth watering, as she leaned in to ghost her lips over yours. "are you okay?" she teased, reaching down to grab your hands. she placed them on her hips, and your fingers gripped at her waist, pulling her flush against you.

"perfect." you leaned forwards to kiss her. she let out a low sigh, eyes fluttering closed as she melted into you. but then, you were pulling away, and tugging at the button of her jeans. "i wanna fuck you, please, can i?" you whispered, almost begging. her breath hitched, and then she took your hand with an excited smile, standing and dragging you to her room.

you practically lunged onto her once the door was closed, your hands wrapping around her waist. she tugged you down, and you met her in a rushed kiss, your tongue sliding into her mouth. you walked her blindly towards her bed until she fell back with a gasp.

you grinned down at her, and your hands slid up and under her shirt. she shuddered underneath you, and she reached down, tugging her t-shirt up and over her head. she tossed it down to the ground, and then she was pulling you back down by your neck.

you kissed her for a moment, and then you pulled away to nip at her neck. her hips bucked forwards in search of some sort of friction, so with a teasing smile, you slipped one leg between hers. she let out a breathy gasp when she came in contact with your knee.

you pulled away from her neck, and she whined, her eyes fluttering open to watch as you leaned over, opening her side drawer. with a grin, you reached in, and pulled out the strap-on. she knew you loved using it, it wasn't uncommon for you to ask. she let out a breathless laugh, nodding, and you slid off her to put it on.

it was easy, you had done it a million times before, and if given the chance, you'd do it a million times again. when you had tightened the straps, you climbed back over, your hands going to unbutton her jeans. you tugged them off with a little bit of trouble, sighing frustratedly as tara sat up to pull them off. she shook her head at you, a teasing smile on her face. "i'm not going anywhere. relax." she murmured as she hooked her fingers underneath her panties, and slid them off her legs.

your mouth watered as you gazed down at her dripping cunt, just waiting to be touched. no matter how many times you had seen her, she never failed to make you speechless.

"you're beautiful." you hummed, pressing a gentle kiss against her lips. she flushed, whispering a quiet 'thank you', then, you both looked down, watching with matching smiles as you rubbed the head of the dildo against her clit.

you leaned back down to kiss her as you slowly entered her, inch by inch. she gasped into your mouth, and her hands reached up to grasp at your shoulders, fingers digging into your skin.

you buried yourself inside her as far you could get. she stared up at you with half-lidded eyes, her lips parted ever so slightly. you allowed her time to adjust, trying to hide your impatience, and then she gave a slow nod. you pulled out almost entirely, leaving only a few inches of yourself inside her. she shuddered, eyebrows knitting together.

you wanted nothing more then to slam your hips inside her, fuck her until all she could think of was being full of you, but you didn't want to hurt her, and she was clearly enjoying it like this.

you slowly pushed back inside her, and her head fell down onto her pillows, her eyes snapping shut as quiet moans spilled past her lips. you dove down to kiss her neck.

you thrust agonizingly slow inside her, letting her get used to it, and then her grip on you was tightening and her muscles were flexing as she slowly rocked her hips to meet yours. "more," she whispered, pressing a trembling kiss to your collarbone. "fuck, faster— harder...please." she begged, desperate whines leaving her mouth.

you pumped your hips a little harder. she groaned, her chest rising at a pace that, under different circumstances, would've made you worried.

"i love fucking you like this," you mumbled, panting as you snapped your hips inside her. "god— so pretty, you're so pretty." it didn't matter what you said, she wouldn't have been able to hear it anyways. her mind was too hazy, and she was so, so close.

her legs began to tremble before you could even process what was happening. you were too carried away to notice how her back arched up off the bed, your name slipping out of her mouth as she came.

you snapped out of it when her hands pushed forcefully against your chest, her legs squeezing tight around you. she was panting, and her neck, and face were flushing heavily. you could hear her heart thumping erratically against her chest. she gazed up at you with blissed out eyes, and then she was leaning up to press a shaky kiss to your lips.

"are you okay?" you asked when you pulled away, and she gave a slow, tired nod. you slowly slid out of her, and she whimpered from the loss of contact. her legs clamped shut, and she slumped against the bed.

you stood, sliding out of the strap-on, and then you were laying back down next to her, pulling her into your arms. "tired?" she nodded again, resting her head against your chest. "go to sleep, then."

"what about you?" she mumbled, dazedly. she lifted her head up to look at you. you smiled softly, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. her eyes droop closed, and she melted against you.

"don't worry, just get some rest, okay? i love you."

"mhm. love you too."

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