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in which, the two of you sneak out to go swimming

summer camp au! sorry it's taken my so long to put out another part btw, literally had zero ideas 😭😭

you tiptoed out of the cabin, wincing at the sounds of the floorboards creaking. you took a quick peak behind you to make sure your campers were asleep, then rushed out the door, closing it gently behind you.

the cold air bit at your skin, causing goosebumps to grow on your arms. you walked through the forest, stepping carefully so as not to trip.

you saw your girlfriend, her arms hugging her body. she sat on the dock. her legs were swinging in the water, and she had her head down.

"jenna!" you whisper yelled, your hands cupping around your mouth.

she turned her head to look at you, a smile appearing on her face. you jogged over, taking a seat next to her.

"hey." she leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek. "i thought you weren't going to come."

you scoffed, holding a hand up to your chest. "of course i'd come! it was a little scary though. i was scared i was gonna wake up one of my kids." she nodded, leaning her head on your shoulder.

the two of you stayed like that for a minutes, but you were practically itching to get into the water, and jenna could tell by the way you kept looking out at it.

she chuckled, picking up her head and standing. "come on. let's get in."

"yes!" you kicked off your shoes, ignoring how they went flying off somewhere into the grass. the two of you began undressing, leaving you in just your undergarments.

jenna smiled shyly, a blush forming on her cheeks. she turned her head away from you, and began to walk into the water. with a grin, you followed her.

you took a deep breath, the cold making goosebumps form along your legs. you stood in front of jenna, watching her with a smile. "pretty," you whispered, leaning in to press a kiss against her forehead. she laughed, rolling her eyes.

"jesus," she muttered. "it's freezing."

"i can warm you up." she groaned, slapping a hand across her eyes.

you chuckled, your hands finding their way to her hips. she shivered, pressing closer to your body. "okay, fine. but no funny business," she spoke with a serious face.

"got it. just...unfunny," you whispered, leaning in to kiss her. she smiled against you, her hands coming to wrap around your neck.

when you pulled away, your hands let go of her. you pushed against the water and sent a wave splashing towards her. she froze, her mouth agape as she stared at you in shock. "did you just-"

you nodded, a grin spread across your face. she splashed you back, and that caused a fight between the two of you.

when you both were dripping wet, you finally held out your hand. jenna smiled curiously, her hand coming out to poke at yours. you scoffed, rolling your eyes. "a truce."

she nodded suspiciously, taking your hand and giving it a shake. with that, you lunged forwards, hugging her, and sending the two of you back into the water.

she gasped out, a giggle coming from her. you felt her push upwards. her hands grasped at your arms and she pulled you towards her. when your head reached the surface, you floated onto your back, sighing happily as you stared up at the sky.

jenna watched you with a soft smile, her hands hugging her body. she had only her head above the water.

when you looked back over at her, you noticed a person standing behind her on the dock. you jumped, a loud yelp escaping your mouth. jenna turned, gasping as she backed up into your chest.

your manager stood, her hands on her hips. "seriously? it's like...three in the morning. jesus. get over here," she sighed, a hand coming up to rub her eyes.

the two of you groaned, swimming over to the dock. you pushed yourself up, taking the towel from her hand and wrapping it around your body. jenna did the same, and she stared over at her boss, a scared look on her face.

"i'm sorry, we just wanted to go fo-,"

"yeah, yeah. i get it. you guys are young, you know. young love and all that," she sighed. "just- dry off...and go back to your cabins. you know you're not supposed to be out this late."

you nodded, and when she walked off, you turned to jenna. "i was so sure she was gonna fire us," you chuckled.

the two of you began to dry off, slipping your clothes and beginning to walk back to your cabins. when you reached hers, the two of you stood in front of the door. you pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, smiling at the dazed expression on her face. she leaned in to kiss you again, and then turned, about to walk into the cabin.

"goodbye," you murmured, hugging her from behind and giving her a gentle squeeze.

"bye. i love you," she smiled, tilting her head to glance at you.

"i love you too. night." she walked into the cabin, and the door shut. you stumbled through the woods to your cabin, almost tripping several times.

you quietly opened the door to your cabin, and a voice caused you to jump.

"y/n, where'd you go?"

"i was just...in the bathroom."

"with jenna?" smiles appeared on the children's faces and you chuckled, a hand coming up to rub your eyes.

"alright, you know what? go to sleep. it's past your guys' bedtime." you slipped off your shoes, and threw the towel down on the ground. groaning softly, you laid down, your head resting against your soft pillow.

"y/n and jenna, sitting in a tree. k-i-s-s-i-,"

"go to sleep!" you groaned, earning several laughs.

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