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in which, a date with tara leads to a vulnerable conversation

i just saw scream 6 😁 it was so good and i can't wait to write tara fics about it but i don't wanna spoil anything 😭😭

this is like after scream 5 but before scream 6

you shot up from your couch when there was a knock on your door, tossing off your blankets in the process.

when you opened the door, your heart fluttered. tara stood, a small bouquet of flowers in her hands. she looked beautiful, though she was only dressed in a pair of jeans and sweater. she smiled sheepishly up at you, glancing down at her hands. "i know this isn't a fancy date," she chuckled softly, a blush spreading to her cheeks. "but, i really wanted to get you them."

tara and you hadn't been seeing each other long, only a little more than two months. you weren't official, but neither of you wanted to see anyone else. you had been running late for one of your classes one day and on your way there, you had literally run into her, knocking both of your books onto the ground. you apologized profusely while you picked them up, and then followed it with an unintentional compliment about how she was gorgeous. and to your embarrassment, you had the same class. she sat next to you, you started talking, and then—

you couldn't hide the grin on your face. you took them with a gentle hand, and then stepped to the side, allowing her to walk in. she did, and you closed the door behind her. she glanced around at your decorations as she made her way to your living room.

"sorry, it's not much." you called out from the kitchen as you searched through your cupboards, looking for something to put the flowers in. you mentally cursed yourself for making her wait, and when you finally found a vase, you hastily filled it with water, placing the flowers inside and putting it down on your counter.

"i like it." tara smiled softly when you joined her in your living room. she had made herself comfortable, with her shoes off and a blanket pulled on top of her lap. she lifted it, patting the spot next to her, and you gladly took it, slipping underneath.

"okay, so, what movie are we gonna watch?" you asked, grabbing your remote and turning your tv on. tara grinned, holding out her hand. you placed the remote in her palm, and she turned to the tv, searching through the movies.

you zoned out, distracted by the freckles splattered across her cheeks, her pretty lips that were pulled into a smile. she turned to you suddenly, nodding her head over to the tv. "what do you think?" she asked, a small smirk on her face, and you flushed as you realized she had caught you staring.

you turned to look, and across the screen were the words 'hereditary'. you shrugged, chuckling at the shocked look on her face. "i don't know, i've never seen it." she shook her head in disbelief, pressing play on the movie.

"okay, we're definitely watching it now."


tara hadn't paid much attention, too busy watching your expressions during her favorite scenes. when the credits started rolling, you turned to her with a grin. "it was good. i liked it."

she bit her cheek to stop the growing smile on her face, and nodded. "yeah. it's one of my favorites." it grew silent, and the two of you make awkward eye contact, shy smiles on each of your faces.

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