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in which, amber hits on your girlfriend, so you decide to get revenge

i've had this in my drafts forever 😭😭

warning: partial smut?? idek

you groaned, your eyes fluttering shut. tara'a fingers ran through your hair, occasionally scratching at your scalp. she watched you with an small smile.

"does that feel good?" she asked, her voice soft, and teasing. you hummed in response.

she turned back to her phone, though her hand never stilled. you laid peacefully across her lap, your eyes closed. you felt yourself falling asleep, but then tara spoke again, and you shot awake.

"amber asked me out earlier."

you sat up to face her, your body tense. tara watched you, her tongue poking out to wet her lips. "i said no, obviously. but, it was so weird. like, she knows we're together? i don't know why she'd think i'd leave you." she scoffed. her words ceased your anger for a moment, but then you imagined amber and tara. amber, with her hands ins-.

tara stared at you, frowning at the crease between your eyebrows. she reached down, her hands brushing against your cheek. the touch startled you for a moment, but you met her gaze. her dark eyes were filled with concern, her pretty lips pulled into a frown.

"stop. i know that look." she muttered. her fingers reached up to pull you towards her. you let her, meeting her lips in a bruising kiss.

"what look?" your cold hands met her overheated skin when they slid under her shirt. she sighed softly, her eyes fluttering shut. she squirmed for a moment, before melting into your embrace.

"like you want to kill her." she whispered, chuckling softly. "i said no. i don't want amber, i want you." her voice was so soft. your heart thrummed loudly in your ears, you almost didn't hear her.

you watched her, how she leaned into you, almost begging for you to touch her. she looked so pretty like this, and you told her. you dived down, pressing open mouthed kisses against the soft skin of her abdomen.

"what would you do?" you whispered against her, alternating between kissing and biting her skin. she only sighed in response, so you continued. "what would you do if killed her?" with a soft groan, she pushed down against your head.

"fuck—." her hips bucked against you, trying to soothe the uncomfortable feeling from between her legs. you chuckled dryly, pulling away from her stomach to watch her. your hand slipped past her sweatpants, and you pressed your fingers against her clothed clit. she gasped from the sudden movement, her hand reaching down and grabbing a handful of your sheets.

"what, you'd fuck me?"

"please— want you...inside me." you thought for a moment. you could continue teasing her until she was begging to cum, or you could fuck her now until she was begging to stop. your anger resumed when you thought about amber, and what she might've said to tara. with a harsh grumble, you tugged tara's sweatpants off.


"did you hear what happened?"

"her throat!"

"ten times!"

voices spoke around you as you walked through the hallway. you held your head high, the words of your classmates sending a wave of pride through your chest.

you exited the school, walking towards one of the tables. chad waved you over, his arm wrapped around liv.

you greeted them, sitting down next to tara, who took hold of your hand. "she was killed!" wes spoke, his voice raising as he talked with mindy.

"i mean, she was kind of a bitch. i heard they couldn't even tell it was her." mindy spoke, chuckling dryly. wes scoffed, shaking his head and turning towards his phone.

you looked down, squeezing tara's hand. "what're we talking about?" she looked up at you, her lips forming a frown. you almost felt bad. her eyes were red, puffy. a sign she had been crying.

but you remembered the look on amber's face as you plunged your knife into her stomach, the sounds she made, her pleas to live, and your guilt was replaced with a fresh wave of anger. she deserved it. she knew tara and you were together.

"you didn't hear?" when you shook your head, she leaned forwards, resting her head against your chest. "amber. she...got murdered." she whispered, her grip on your hand tightening.

"i'm sorry, tara."

you did feel bad tara was upset, but it was worth it. she would get over it, they weren't even that close. you wondered for a moment how she would feel if she knew it was you. betrayed, maybe? hurt, angry, disgusted.

you frowned, wrapping your arm around her shoulder. no, you couldn't let that happen. she would hate you.

"it'll be okay." you continued, rubbing her back comfortingly. she pressed against you, sniffling quietly. "i'm sorry, it'll be okay."

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now