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in which, you don't appreciate tara getting so close to chad

this was so rushed cause i meant to post it awhile ago 😭😭 it's a little short but dw abt that

warning: smut, strap-on sex, kinda degradation, possessive behavior

when sam had brought up the idea of a 'family' movie night, you were expecting one, maybe two movies, but not four. you were bored, and the movie that was currently playing was just background noise as you scrolled through your phone.

it wasn't until you heard a giggle from beside you that your attention was torn away. tara was sat between you and, much to your displeasure, chad.

you liked chad, he was a nice guy. the only thing that bothered you was how touchy he was. he couldn't keep his hands off tara, and it drove you insane.

here he was again, his hands all over her. his arm across her shoulder, hand on her thigh. that stupid fucking smirk on his face. it was like he was doing it all just to piss you off.

you couldn't pay attention to the movie, not when he was whispering jokes into her ear, and she was laughing so carelessly. he wasn't that funny.

finally, when the credits rolled, you excuse yourself with tara, dragging the two of you into her room.

she sends you a small smile, making herself comfortable on her bed. she pats the spot next to her, but when you don't make a move to lay down, she frowns. "what's wrong?"

"if he ever touches you again, i'll fucking kill him."

"don't be so dramatic," she murmurs, following it with a roll of her eyes and a quiet chuckle. "chad's my friend, you know that."

"yeah? he touches you every chance he gets, and he stares at you with theses stupid heart eyes. jesus, he'd probably get on his knees for you. at this point, i wouldn't be surprised if he dreamt about fucking you." you grumble, jaw clenching tightly, "you're mine, and he needs to get that through his thick fucking skull."

she stares up at you, a small smirk on her face. "you sound insane, you know that? insane."

"i sound insane?"

"yes! we're friends."

"he obviously doesn't think that."

"why are you so worried?" she murmurs, tilting her head as she stares up at you. "you think he can make me feel better? think he can fuck me better?"

"do you?"

"yeah, i bet he could."


"wait, y/n—."

"you want to act like a fucking slut?" you grumble lowly, leaning over her and wrapping a hand around her neck. "i'll treat you like one."

you sink the dildo inside her, giving her no time to adjust before you were pulling out and then snapping your hips forwards.

she lets out a low cry, her hands stretching out to grasp onto her bedframe. "shit, y/n, i—."

"shut the fuck up," you grumble, fingers squeezing around her neck. "c'mon, isn't this what you wanted? be a good girl and take it."

your thrusts are harsh, deep, and she cries out with each one, her mouth agape and hips rocking back to meet yours.

"fuck— you still think he can do better? still think he can fuck you better?" you murmur, lips brushing against her neck as you spoke. "you're mine. every part of you. nobody else will ever get to see you like this. do you understand?"

she nods wildly, her head falling down into her pillow once you let go of her neck. your hands slide down to her hips and you tilt them up, just enough until you're hitting that one sweet, sweet spot, and she's gasping out your name, thighs trembling as she cums.

you pound her through her orgasm, never once slowing. you're grasping her hips so tight, you're sure it'll leave bruises later.

you slide the dildo out of her, ignoring her whine of discomfort, and lean down to press a kiss to her spine. "turn around," you murmur against her, rubbing slow circles against her thighs.

she groans quietly, but slowly, she pushes herself onto her back. "i'm sensitive," she mumbles, eyebrows furrowing as you rub the tip of the dildo against her abused clit. she grimaces, thighs clamping around your hips.

"aw, baby, that's too bad," you whisper, leaning down to press a tender kiss to her forehead. "i know you can handle one more."

she shudders, chest rising and falling quickly as you slide into her inch by inch. you're slower this time, letting her relax around the strap, but you begin to pump into her, admiring the way she gushes around the dildo with each thrust.

your hand slides down her stomach, and your fingers rub circles against her clit. you watch with an almost predatory grin as her eyes roll back, a whine of pure ecstasy leaving her mouth.

"y/n—" she cries out, her lip coming up between her teeth. she bites down hard, and you wonder for a moment if she's going to draw blood. "oh, fuck...im gonna— please, can i—"

"you think you deserve to cum again?" you murmur, unable to stop the grin that grows on your face as she nods wildly, a whine of pure ecstasy leaving her mouth.

"i need to...so bad, please— please."

"come on, baby, you can beg better than that. let me hear how bad you want it, hm?"

"please," she cries out, tears pricking at her eyes from the amount of pleasure. "please, it's all— all i want...im so...i need— need to cum...so bad."

you lean down to press a gentle kiss to her lips, hips speeding up to fuck her into her orgasm. "alright. go ahead, cum for me."

her hands shoot up to grasp at your shoulders, fingers digging at your skin. she cries out your name, body tensing underneath you as she cums around the dildo.

when she relaxes, you give her an apologetic kiss to her lips as you slide the strap-on out of her. she whines in discomfort, legs clamping shut, and eyes falling closed.

you slide out of the strap on, then shuffle up to lay next to her. "i love you," you whisper, pressing slow kisses along her neck and up to her jaw. "are you okay?" she lets out a low hum, nodding slowly. "it wasn't too much?"

"promise i'm fine," she mumbles, prying her eyes open to look over at you. "i'm sorry for saying...that," her face scrunches up, and she lets out a soft sigh. "i didn't mean it, you know that right?"

"of course. come here." you press a gentle kiss to her forehead, and then pull her towards you, wrapping your arms around her waist. "i love you."

she lets out a small chuckle, nodding against you. "love you too," she murmurs, pressing a kiss to your collarbone.

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