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in which, after years of liking jenna, you realize she may feel the same

warning: partial smut?? making out ig??? bitch idk

requested like two months ago i'm so sorry 😭😭 part 2 with smut maybe...haven't decided yet

you knocked on aliyah's door, and it opened almost immediately. she stood, grinning from ear to ear.

"y/n! finally, you took forever." she tugged you into a hug, swaying slightly back and forth. she pulled away abruptly, grabbing your shoulders and looking into your eyes. "guess who's here?" her smile was teasing. you didn't even need to hear her name, you already knew who she was talking about.

aliyah stepped to the side, and jenna popped into your view. she was sitting on aliyah's bed, her phone in her hands. she waved, a smile tugging at her lips. "hey, it's good to see you." your mouth fell open, cheeks flushing as you stared down at her. you began to regret answering the numerous texts you had received from aliyah.

she nudged you, letting out a soft chuckle. "stop staring at my sister."

she reached down, taking your hand and stepping out of her room. "jenna, we're gonna watch a movie!" she called out, leading you away from the doorway.

"you didn't tell me she was gonna be here!" you groaned, sitting down on aliyah's couch. she snorted, joining you.

"yeah, cause if i did you wouldn't have come! you should be thanking me, this is the perfect time to make a move." she grinned, wiggling her eyebrows up at you.

"absolutely not." you grumbled, grabbing the tv remote and switching it on. "what're we watching?"


you glared at her, rolling your eyes at the wide smile on her face. she only laughed, taking the remote from your hands and scrolling through movies.


"why would you ever do that? why the fuck would you think that was a good idea?" you grumbled, cringing as one of the characters got stabbed. "exactly! she was stupid, and now she's dead!"

aliyah chuckled, pausing the movie and standing. "hey, i'm gonna get some food. want anything?" you shook your head, watching as she walked off.

you scrolled through your phone, waiting patiently until she came back. when you felt the couch dip beside you, you spoke. "what'd you get?"

"what?" your head shot up, and you were met with a confused look from jenna.

"sorry! i thought...you were aliyah. she's getting food." she nodded, glancing over at the tv.

"what're you watching?"

"i don't know, it's some slasher. aliyah picked it."  you shrugged, chuckling softly. she nodded, humming quietly. you looked up from your phone, flushing when you saw the look on her face. "what?"

"nothing." she smiled, shrugging innocently. "it's cool to see you, y/n. i've missed you." you let out a nervous chuckle, nodding awkwardly.

"yeah. i...missed you too."

you let out a sigh of relief when aliyah finally returned, but it didn't last long. jenna had insisted on watching the movie with you two, and aliyah, being her lovely self, had chosen to sit farther away, leaving you and jenna next to eachother.

you froze underneath the blanket when you felt jenna's hand brush up against yours. she had turned to look at you, and then her fingers interlocked with yours. you silently willed your hands not to get sweaty.

you could hardly pay attention to the rest of the movie, too distracted by each little move jenna had made. from holding hands underneath the blanket, to jenna's head laying in your lap. you only noticed when the credits started to roll, because she had sat up, covering her mouth with her hand as she let out a yawn.

you gazed over at aliyah, who was sleeping peacefully, a small blanket draped over her body. jenna followed your eyes, letting out a quiet chuckle.

"do you want to come to my room?" you froze, eyes darting back towards jenna.


she shrugged, her smile disappearing. you mentally cursed yourself, worried you had hurt her feelings. "you don't have to. i just— it's a little boring being out here all alone, you know? or...i could take you home, i guess." she shrugged again, fingers twisting one of her rings.

"no, i'll— we can go to your room." you nodded, maybe too much, and she smiled, pushing herself up. she held out her hand, which you gladly took, and led you down towards her bedroom.

you smiled fondly when you entered. it was different then you had last seen it. less decorations, but it was still so her.

she laid down on her bed, patting the spot next to her when you didn't make a move to join her. you sat awkwardly at the edge of her bed, hands held tight in your lap.

she stared at you for a moment, an amused smile spread across her face. she grabbed your arm, tugging you back and pulling you on top of her.


your eyes widened a little, a small smile on your face as you pushed yourself up, your hands on either side of her face. she giggled softly, her hands coming up to cup your face.

"what?" she whispered softly, tilting her head a little. you smiled nervously, your face burning so hot you felt like you were going to melt. before you could answer, she pulled you down into a kiss.

your eyes widened even more, and it took about three seconds before you were kissing her back, pushing her down into the mattress.

she sighed into your mouth, her hands sliding down your to your shoulders. she clawed at your shirt, brushing her tongue along your bottom lip, and then she pulled away, her cheeks flushed and eyes half-lidded.

you panted softly, lips parted as you stared down at her.

"did you just kiss me?"

she smirked, nodding. her hands slid up your shirt and rest on your sides. "i did. do you want to...keep going?"

your heart fluttered in your chest. you nodded eagerly, moaning softly as you leaned down, kissing her once more. she smiled into the kiss, breathing heavily through her nose.

you pulled away from the kiss only a few more times. once when you took your shirt off, and then again when she took off hers. it was only when you both were completely bare that you pulled away, your eyes trailing down her body.

you were worried for a moment that you were going to pass out.

"hey...we don't have to, you know?" she whispered after a few seconds of silence. when you looked back up at her face, she looked so sincere, and it melted your heart.

"no, no...i want to...i've wanted to." you murmured, shaking your head. you grimaced a little at your choice of words. "um...i mean-"

she chuckled quietly, shrugging. "don't worry, i've also wanted to." she smiled, licking her lips as she took your wrist in her hand, slowly guiding it between her thighs. "just tell me if you ever want to stop, okay?"

you gulped, your heart beating wildly as your fingers trailed up her inner thigh. "totally...but, i don't think i'll want to stop."

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now