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in which, jenna takes care of you after you get sick

a little short but i've been meaning to post something other than smut so send me some non-smut requests 😤 horny mfs 😭😭

you've never regretted forgetting an umbrella more in your life. it was raining, and windy, and your hands were shivering inside the pockets of your hoodie.

after a long day of work, all you wanted was to get home, take a shower, and fall asleep. of course today had to be the day that both your phone and car were dead.

when your apartment came in view, you let out a sigh of relief, your legs trembling with each step you took.

your hands shook as you tried to put your key into the lock, but finally it slipped in. you twisted the door open, eyes fluttering closed as you stepped into the warm house. you slid your damp jacket off, teeth chattering as you walked through the dark apartment.

"jenna?" you called out, but you were met with no reply. you knocked in the door of your bedroom, and when there was also no response, you swung the door open.

jenna was sprawled across your bed on her stomach, fast asleep. you stepped carefully through your bedroom, entering your closet and peeling off your wet clothes.

you were still cold, finger shivering as you pulled on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, and when you turned back to your bedroom, jenna was sitting up, a blanket draped across her body.

"sorry, did i wake you?" you spoke softly, stepping over towards her. she shook her head, but her hooded eyes gave her away. she took your hand in hers, and a frown grew on her face.

"you're freezing," she murmured, raising your hand up to her lips and pressing a gentle kiss against your knuckles, "come here, what happened?"

"it's kind of a long story," you sighed, slipping underneath the blankets. she pushed herself off the bed, ignoring your complaints for her to come back, and stepped out of your bedroom.

when she returned, she had a dopey grin on her face, and a steaming mug in her hands. "i made you tea." you pushed yourself up, leaning your back against the headboard. you took the mug from her, sighing happily as the warmth spread throughout your body, and raised it to your lips.

you took a sip, eyes fluttering closed as it soothed your throat. "it's good." she smiled, nodding proudly. she laid down next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder. "thank you."

"of course," she murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "i can't let you freeze to death, can i?"

you hummed in reply, taking another large sip out of the mug. when you had finished it, you set the cup down onto your nightstand. you shuffled down until you were laying on your side, and jenna joined you, her hands snaking around your waist. you sighed deeply, resting your head against her. "get some sleep," she spoke softly, brushing her hand along the length of your spine and pressing another kiss against your forehead.


you woke up covered in sweat, your mouth dry and nose plugged. it was dark, too dark for you to see anything. you shuffled around, eyes narrowed as you tried to find your phone.

you pulled the wire of your charger until your fingers grasped onto your phone. you turned it on, groaning softly as the brightness stunt at your eyes. it was early, almost five in the morning.

you dropped your phone, laying back down under the blankets and pulling your knees to your chest. you clamped your eyes shut, trying to ignore the goosebumps that rose along your arms and legs.

when you couldn't grow warm, you tossed the blankets off you with a frustrated huff. you pushed yourself off the bed, legs trembling as you stood. you stepped quietly out of the bedroom and made your way to the kitchen.

you opened the fridge, groaning at the bright light as you searched for something to eat. your stomach growled at the thought of food.

you pulled out a box of cereal, grimacing at the sound of you pouring it into a bowl. you poured the milk into the bowl with trembling hands.

as soon as you lifted the spoon to your mouth, there was a soft knock behind you. you turned, met with the sight of a tired jenna.

"y/n," she murmured, voice laced with exhaustion. "what're you doing?"

"i couldn't sleep, and i was hungry." she frowned at the sound of your voice, and stepped towards you, placing the back of her hand against your forehead

"you're burning up."

"i think i'm sick," you croaked out, eyebrows furrowed. she wrapped her arms around your waist, ignoring your complaints. "i don't want you get—."

"i'll be fine." she cupped your face, brushing her thumb against your cheek. she frowned at the sight of your dark eye bags, and she took your hand in hers, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. "come on, let's get you back to bed."

you followed her into your bedroom, and laid back down, not bothering to climb underneath your blankets. jenna disappeared into your bathroom, and when she returned, she held a washcloth in one hand, and a small cup filled with medicine in the other.

"hey, come here," she murmured, brushing your hair out of your face. she placed the cold washcloth against your forehead, and your eyes fluttered closed, a soft groan leaving your mouth.

"feels good," you croaked out, managing a small smile. she chuckled quietly, dabbing away the sweat on your face and neck.

"done?" you nodded slowly, swallowing harshly to try and get rid of your sore throat. she pulled away the washcloth, setting it to the side, and then she was pulling your head into her lap, her fingers trailing along your jaw. "here." she placed the cup against your lips, and your drank the medicine, grimacing at the taste.

"gross," you grumbled, licking at your lips. she chuckled softly, nodding.

"i know, im sorry. it'll help. come on, let's go back to sleep."

"i'm not tired." you frowned, prying your eyes open to look at her. it wasn't totally a lie. your muscles ached, and you had a horrible headache. you were tired, but you would have a hard time sleeping like this.

"you need to rest,"  she murmured, shuffling down, until you were face to face, and then she pulled your head down against her chest. "i love you."

"i love you, too. thanks for—," you paused, cut off by a yawn, "for taking care of me," you let out a tired chuckle, and she nodded, rubbing slow circles against your back.

"of course. what kind of girlfriend would i be if i didn't?"

"a terrible one."

"exactly, so, i'm amazing." you hummed quietly, nodding.

"you are pretty great."

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now