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in which, you and jenna have a day off, and decide to spend it in the comfort of your home

angst or smut next?? i can't decide 😣😣

the sun shined brightly through your curtains and coincidentally, right into your eyes. groaning, you tried to turn onto your side but when you realized the weight on your chest, you looked down.

a mop of brown hair laid wildly on your chest, and you smiled softly, brushing the hair into place. you trailed your fingers against jenna's arm, watching as goosebumps began to form. jenna let out a happy sigh, rolling over onto her back.

you smiled, leaning down and resting your head in the crook of her neck. you repeatedly kissed her skin, and it didn't take long before she began letting out quiet giggles. "that tickles," she whispered, wrapping an arm lazily around you.

"good morning, sleepyhead." you grinned, pulling your head away to look at her.

"good morning," she spoke softly, her eyes still closed.


she nodded, blinking her eyes open to look at you. she smiled softly, her hand moving to cup your jaw. you watched her with a grin, admiring how pretty she looked like this.

"my beautiful girl" you whispered, kissing her gently.

"stop it." she giggled, covering her face with one hand, the other coming to gently push at your chest.

you slowly stood up, pulling the blankets off with you. she groaned, rolling onto her stomach. "alright, come on. let's go get some food." you spoke, walking out of the bedroom.

there was another quiet groan, and you chuckled. too lazy to cook, you tossed some frozen waffles into the toaster and waited. a few minutes later, they had come out along with jenna who sighed unhappily. "it's our day off, we should be sleeping in." she whined, joining you in the kitchen. she wrapped her arms around your waist, watching as you drizzled syrup on the waffles. you took a bite, sighing happily. jenna chuckled, spinning you around to face her.

"we can go back to sleep soon." you spoke. she frowned, though it was quickly replaced with a smile when you began to lean in.

she chased your lips as you pulled away, whining softly. "you taste good. like syrup," she smiled against your lips, kissing you again, and again.

when she finally pulled away, you kissed her forehead, then handed her a plate with waffles on it. "they're probably cold." she groaned, taking the plate.

you walked over to your couch, laying down on your stomach and sighing happily at the comfort of the pillows. you reached lazily for the remote, and turned the tv on, scrolling through movies. you heard the sound of the sink running, and then you felt a weight on your back.

"you're gonna suffocate me," you complained, groaning at the feeling of her squishing you. "you're breaking my ribs!"

"then move." she giggled above you, getting off. you turned onto your back and she joined you once again.

she laid comfortably on your stomach, her arms hanging off the side of the sofa. you continued scrolling through movies until you smiled, clicking on one.


jenna sat up, holding herself up by her elbows. she glared at you, her eyes narrowing slightly at the grin on your face. "you know i don't like watching my movies."

"oh come on," you complained. "do it for me."

she groaned, laying her head back down on your chest. "fine." she sighed. you grinned happily, pressing play on the movie. you got comfortable, wrapping your arms around jenna.

about halfway in, you began to hear small snores. chuckling quietly to yourself, you paused the movie and carefully picked jenna up. you entered the bedroom, gently placing her on your bed. you left for the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and when you returned you were met with her sitting up, her arms tiredly wrapped around her legs.

"there you are. was wondering where you went." jenna murmured, laying on her side.

"just to get water, baby." you whispered, laying down next to her. she hummed in response, gently tugging you closer. the two of you laid facing each other. her eyes were closed, but she smiled softly.

"stop staring at me."

"can't help it. you're too beautiful." you smiled, brushing her hair behind her ear. she chuckled nervously, reaching up to cover her mouth, her smile peeking through her fingers.

you trailed your fingers down her arm, then to her waist. you wrapped your arm around her and pulled her closer. she melted in your arms, burying her head in your neck.

"love you." she murmured tiredly, gently kissing your skin.

you smiled, kissing her head. "i love you too." she sighed happily, her breathing evening out as she fell asleep in your arms.

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now