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in which, you can't keep your hands off jenna

warning: smut, g!p reader, unprotected sex, literally no plot it's all sex not sure if i liked how this turned out tbh 😭😭

you had been looking forward to going to the scream 6 premiere with jenna for months, but now, while waiting to leave, you were starting to regret it.

"c'mon, baby please." you muttered, pressing slow, tender kisses down her neck. she let out a soft sigh, eyes closed as she slumped against her mattress.

"y/n—," she muttered lowly, "there's no time. after—."

"i can't wait that long," you whined softly, pulling away from her neck to look at her. her fingers trailed down your stomach, past the waistband of your pants, until they reached the bulge in your pants.

her lips parted, eyes darkening as she darted down towards your lap. with a small, teasing smile, you nudged her head back up to look at you. "you don't think i can make you cum fast enough, or something?" she shook her head, letting out a breathy chuckle.

"i know you can, but i don't want anyone to—." she was cut off by your lips, and a low groan left the back of her throat. she forgot what she was going to say, and instead her hands began to fumble for the belt of your pants. you tugged them off, along with your boxers.

your hands reached to peel off her dress, but she stopped you, muttering about how she "didn't want to have to fix it," so you settled for shoving the dress up her thighs and past her hips. you pumped yourself hastily, brushing your thumb your tip. you admired the wet patch on jenna's panties for a moment, and then you were sliding them to the side, and rubbing the head of your dick against her clit. she was wet, wet enough you didn't need lube, but you still leaned over her, opening the drawer of your night stand. you grabbed a generous amount, and spread it along the length of your cock. you placed your arms on either side of her, teasing her entrance with your tip.

"hurry," she muttered impatiently, a frown etched onto her face. with a quiet laugh, you leaned down, pressing a hard kiss to her lips, and sinking your dick inside her, inch by inch. she gasped into your mouth, her hands gripping tight onto your shoulders. you kept her hips still, giving her time to adjust.

"you can move," she whispered, voice tight and higher than usual. you slowly pulled yourself out, moans leaving each of your mouths. then, you gently jerked your hips forward. her eyes were closed, mouth agape as breathy sighs slipped past her lips. her fingers dug at your shoulders, and she shuddered as you pulled back once more.

"jesus, y/n," she murmured, "more, please." you obeyed, thrusting yours hips a little harder into her, and earning a breathy gasp.

with each thrust, you were pulling out almost entirely, and then pushing back in. your movements were erratic and sloppy, and you could feel the knot in your stomach getting tighter.

"oh, fuck— please, just like that." she whispered, her eyes clamping shut. it wasn't long before she was gasping, her fingernails digging into your shoulder as she came. warmth flooded around you, and it only took a few more thrusts before white heat flashed before your eyes, and you felt yourself release.

jenna was slumped against your mattress when you finally came back to reality, her chest heaving and cheeks flushed.

"we should—" you paused, taking a deep breath. "we should probably go now, huh?"

jenna ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now