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in which, tara is too impatient to wait for you

ok so school is literally kicking my ass rn and i have sooo many requests (some from like months ago it's bad ik) but im gonna try and update more often i swear 😭😭

warning: smut, g!p reader, unprotected sex, pillow riding, slight degradation, kinda smut w/out a plot, also super short 🙄🙄

you were with mindy when tara texted you, and you mentally reminded yourself to thank her later. as much as you loved mindy, hearing her rant about movies was somewhat annoying.

*1 attachment*
miss you :(

you smiled at the text, expecting a picture, but when you clicked on it, your mouth dropped open.

it was a video of tara in her bedroom. she was on her knees, legs straddling what looked like a pillow, though it was hard to tell from the angle of the video. the mascara you had watched her apply that morning was smudged along her cheeks. her eyes were closed, mouth agape and eyebrows pulled tightly together.

the sound began to play, and you were incredibly thankful that you had been wearing your headphones.

her hips rocked back and forth, her hands clenched into fists so tightly, her knuckles were white. "oh fuck...y/n," she whimpered softly, and it sent a wave of heat straight through your body.

"oh my god," she murmured. her hands slid up the front of her body, past her tits and then back down. she worked her hips faster, her thighs trembling as she tried to keep going. her whines grew louder with each passing second, and then she let out a string of curses, her back arching as she reached her high.

she was still for a few seconds, her chest rising and falling quickly. she bit her lip to hold back her smile as she glanced sheepishly at the camera, her cheeks flushed a bright red. she reached forwards, grabbing her phone and lifting it up until all you could see was her face. the video ended with her mumbling out an 'i love you."

you stood from your spot, stumbling out excuses to mindy, who stared at you with an eyebrow raised, and began to pack up your things. you were running off before she could even reply.


you wasted no time in swinging tara's bedroom open. she was laying on her bed in only your t-shirt. she sat up on her elbows when she saw you, dropping her phone down to the side. you quickly shut the door, locking it. nobody else was home, but you didn't want to take any chances.

"finally," she hummed, grinning as you slid over top of her. "you took forever."

you huffed, shaking your head silently. she pulled you down into a kiss, only pulling away for a moment to slide the shirt up and off her body.

your hands fumbled for the belt of your pants, and then you were kicking them off, letting your cock spring out. tara groaned as your tip pressed up against her aching cunt, and her hips jutted forwards, a silent plea for you to hurry up and fuck her.

you kissed her feverishly as you slid your fingers through her folds, separating them enough for you to slide your cock inside her. her hands gripped at the back of your neck, a breathy sigh leaving her parted lips. it was music to your ears and, embarrassingly enough, could have probably made you cum right there and then.

you let her adjust for a moment, and then you were pulling out until you were only halfway inside her. you slammed your hips forwards, and tara inhaled sharply, her eyes clamping shut.

you began to thrust at a steady pace, your hands gripping tightly at her hips. you dived down, pressing hot kisses to her neck. her hands shot up to your head, holding you there as you fucked into her.

"god, tara," you mumbled against her, "you couldn't wait, huh? so fucking desperate." she whimpered quietly, her eyebrows knitting together. "i mean, i was with mindy. what if she saw?" you lifted your head, but she was looking away from you, the side of her head pressed up against her pillow. you grabbed her face in your hand and her eyes met yours. "she would've known how much of a fucking slut you are, having to fuck your pillow. so needy for my cock, baby," you whispered, almost condescendingly.

she leaned forwards as best as she could, and you pressed your lips against hers, your tongue sliding into her mouth.

she came around you with a breathy moan of your name, her fingers digging half moons into your back. she clenched around you so tightly, you couldn't pull out in time, and you felt yourself release inside her.

you panted above her, slowing your hips only slightly. when her eyes met yours, so dark and full of lust, you leaned down, pressing a harsh kiss to her lips.

"one more, baby, you think you can do that?" you murmured, your hands sliding down the front of her body and circling her clit. she nodded frantically, whimpering pathetically against your lips.

it wasn't just going to be one more though. she should've known you were a liar.

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