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in which, jenna tries to cook for you, but it doesn't turn out the way it was planned

you walk into your house, a bag, and a bouquet of flowers in your hands. "jenna?" you called out, hanging your keys on their hook.

you walked into the living room, setting down your things. when you entered the kitchen, you saw several dishes scattered around, while jenna leaned against the counter, her head in her hands.

"jenna?" you frowned, walking over to check on her. she spun around, her eyes wide.

"you're home?" she gasped, glancing behind her at the kitchen. you were supposed to be working, but you got off early to spend time with jenna.

"yeah. i took the rest of the day off. are you alright?" her eyes were puffy, and she looked like she was about to burst into tears. "should i...have stayed at work?"

"no. no, i just..." she trailed off, turning to look at the mess she had made. "i wanted to surprise you. i know how hard you've been working...but..." her voice cracked. "i'm so bad at cooking," she spoke, forcing a smile on her face, but it faded quickly. you pulled her into your arms when tears began to fall from her eyes.

"it's okay. i appreciate that, jenna. but you didn't have to," you mumble, rubbing her back.

"i wanted to! today is special. it's valentine's day," she mumbled sadly, her body shaking in your arms. "and we didn't even get to spend it with each other."

a wave of guilt washed over you. you tried to call out of work, but too many people were going to be gone today, and you had to go. you felt terrible, and you knew it had upset jenna, but she had promised that she was fine.

"i'm sorry. i should've stayed home," you spoke sadly, pulling away to look at her. she shook her head, cupping your cheeks.

"it's okay, really," she sniffled.

"i'm still sorry," you gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. "i'm gonna clean this up. go freshen up," you wiped at her mascara stains, earning a sad smile.

she left for your room, and you began cleaning the dishes. it went by faster than you thought, seeing as how many there were.

whilst jenna was in the shower, you ordered food, and began to pick out movies to watch together. you grabbed jenna's flowers and gifts, and then you threw a bunch of your guys' pillows and blankets onto your couch.

when the food arrived, you began making the two of you plates. you took them over to your couch, placing them on the coffee table. you scrolled on your phone, waiting patiently for jenna's return.

when she walked into the living room, she looked much better. her eyes were still somewhat puffy, but she smiled softly at you when she saw you. "damn. how'd you do all this?" she asked, sitting down next you, and draping a blanket across her lap.

you smiled proudly, wiggling your eyebrows. "you take long showers. it was easy." shrugging, you leaned forwards, reaching for her bag. you pulled out a heart shaped box of chocolates, and a small teddy bear, with a ribbon around the neck.

she grinned, reaching out to take the items. she held the bear, looking down fondly at it. "it's so cute. thank you, y/n," she looked up at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"thank you for all of this," she murmured, reaching to take your hand. "i was literally about to have a breakdown before you walked in," she groaned, resting her head on your shoulder.

you hummed, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. "of course. it's the thought that counts," you shrugged. she pouted slightly.

"but now i don't have anything to give you."

"just being here is enough for me, my love," you mumbled, leaning in to kiss her gently.

when you pulled away, she was watching you with a small smile.

you reached forwards, handing her a plate of food. "eat."
she took it gratefully, taking a bite and smiling happily at the taste.

you pressed play on the movie, turning your attention to it. throughout the entire film, you felt jenna's fingers tracing your arm, your hand, your palm. not once did she stop touching you.

by the end of the movie, she was sprawled across your chest, one arm hanging over the couch, and the other pressed against your side. your hand was in her hair, and you were running your fingers through it. she was snoring softly, and you were pretty sure she was drooling.

you shifted uncomfortably on the couch, before deciding to just take her to your room. carefully, you stood, your arms wrapped around her body. her head rolled to the side, leaning against you as you tiptoed into your room.

you set her down on your bed, covering her up with a blanket before crawling over to the other side. she grumbled something, causing you to look over at her. she was staring at you with her eyes half open.

"what time is it?" she spoke again, yawning.


she spoke again, but you never got the chance to hear it because she scooted herself next to you, wrapping her arms around you, and falling back asleep impossibly quick.

you laid quietly for a few minutes but soon you closed your eyes, exhaustion taking over you.

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