Chapter 2: Encounters

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3rd POV

A month had passed since their arrival. The remnants of the Martian Defense Fleet had finished the negotiations with the headmaster of Beacon Academy. The fleet would join the academy as students and a professor to hide their identities, that abided by the 'Color Rule', and protect Remnant from their Grimm issue, vile beasts that feed off of negativity. The academy would house these warships, provide them with the resources necessary for repairs if possible, and keep them out of the public eye.

Over the past month, they had made themselves comfortable, made some friends, and formed a militarized routine to keep them on schedule and in shape. Every day was supposed to be getting themselves ready for the next batch of students. Godspeed began setting up his office as Beacon's head psychologist, Oklahoma made sure to keep his younger siblings in line, Onwards would study Remnant's history, Valorous maintained their weapons and ships, and Courageous would continue experimenting with Dust. They would have to manually remove their rigging and leave it in their dorms to not get questioned by those on campus and in the city.

To say the scars of war had healed though, if they ever will, would be a folly. The fleet had their defiant will shatter beneath the gavel of extinction. For all they knew, Earth was lost and their humanity lie still on their once proud planets and stalwart ships.

Valorous would have reoccurring nightmares of his experience at Sigma Octantus, Courageous struggled to keep her hands steady when doing anything, Onwards sealed his emotions off to not worry his family, Oklahoma would often find himself crying in a locked bathroom, and Godspeed would crack under the mental pressure when his kids weren't around.

But hope hadn't been abandoned. Ozpin has provided these lost soldiers with the same mission but another chance and these soldiers were ready to serve.

It was late in the evening as of now, and Courageous had dragged her brother along with her to get more Dust from her favorite store, 'From Dust Till Dawn'. It was agreed upon to never leave a warship by themselves, and after an incident this morning, Courageous took her twin brother out to clear his mind.

The store front was well kept with very little to no bits of rubbish or graffiti being seen. The front had a wooden door with a golden knob and two large windows on either side with 'TOOLS CARTRIDGES SALES' printed in the center.

"Hey." nudged her brother. "We're here!" She exclaimed with a pointing gesture to the door.

"Hm? Oh, sorry. I zoned out again." Valorous sheepishly apologized, making his sister frown.

"Don't be." Courageous grabbed him by the hand and lead him inside.

The inside of the store had a large cubicle in the center with glass display cases going around it in a square shape. On the right of the counter was a table with a mountain of cans stacked on it. The left and right walls were replaced by several colored tubes that poked out from a small opening from the top. Behind the counter appeared to be several racks of basic appliances and the back wall had a shelf filled with weapon magazines.

"Wow..." Valorous muttered as his sister lead him to the counter. "Never seen Dust up close."

"Jolie, n'est-ce pas?" Courageous said before she turned her head to the shopkeep. "Hey, it's me again. You wouldn't happen to have any Ice Dust in stock would you?"
("Pretty, isn't it?")

The Shopkeep merely nodded in response as he pointed to a beautiful light blue crystal in the display case.

"Nice." Courageous eyed the crystal before pulling a canister out of her pocket and handing it to her brother. "Take this and hook it up to the light blue one." She pointed to the tube on the right wall.

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