Chapter 30: Elite Intervention

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3rd POV

With the night beginning to take hold of their region, Team RNJR and Proclamation wrapped up their exploration of the ruined village.

As the four members of the team continue out of Oniyuri with their Monitor close behind, Ren suddenly sensed a looming threat. He stretched out his hand to stop the other four, eyes closing as he focused. Somewhere close by, a man with long braided hair and a cloak can be seen running towards them with another figure concealing himself within the air, leaving shimmers behind. He drew his weapon as Ruby, Nora, and Jaune immediately followed suit while Proclamation moved off to the side, silently eager to watch the fight. The unknown figure soon leaps high over the wall to engage them in combat.

He immediately takes out his weapons in a seamless motion and, laughing maniacly, moves to attack Ruby. Ren intervenes quickly, his bayonet pistols clashing with the unknown's claw blades. The ninja attempted to both kick and shoot him, but he dodged. The two have a couple more brief clashes and parries until the unknown man kicked Ren several feet away.

The unknown man turns to go after Ruby once more, who rushed forward with her scythe sniper to meet him. He used his blades to block the scythe and kicked her backward. She easily remains upright, and they clash again. He manages to land a strike on Ruby's right arm, causing her to cry out in the pain and him to gleefully laugh. She doesn't break stride however, and leaps back to take a swing at him with her scythe. He dodges and then lands a moving blow against the body of Crescent Rose, causing a red shimmer to cross her aura in the area of the strike.

Jaune intervened at that moment, and the unknown man climbed onto his shield and grins at him. Nora rushes in with her oversized mallet, rwasy to attack, but he just leaps from the blonde's shield to her hammer and up through the top story of a narrow, rectangular building. Holding himself up with his feet on wooden frames to either side of him, the man looks down at Team RNJR.

"We're not looking for a fight!" Jaune quickly called out.

"Who are you?" Ren joined suit as he lined up next to the boy.

The man let an insane grin form on his face before he leaned forward, drops from the tower, does a front flip, and lands on his feet in front of them.

"Who I am matters not to you." The man points to silent ninja. "Or you." He then points to the ginger grenadier. "Or-" He cuts himself off and pauses. "Well... you do interest me." pointing to the blonde knight, earning a nervous gasp. "No, I only matter to you and you." He pointed a finger at the red reaper and another at the monitor.

"Me?" Ruby and Proclamation asked in sync.

Tha man breaks down into laughter. "You, you haven't the slightest clue, do you? Oh, how exciting this must be."

"What do you want?" Proclamation harshly demanded as she floated in front of the red reaper.

The man begins acting dramatically in response to her tone of voice. "Oh, the holy Oracle has spoken! I'm here to whisk you and the rose away with me!"

"Well, what if they don't want to go with you?" Nora stepped in front of the two.

The man's lips scrunched upwards. "Well, I'll take them." He snarled.

Jaune walked over and stands between him and the would-be kidnapped, his shield held firmly in front of him. "We're not going to let you do that."

The man closes his eyes and inhales through his teeth. His eyes slowly open, and he happily growls a single word with a dark grin. "Good."

Delighted that they're willing to fight, the man moves fast to attack Jaune from behind.

"Jaune!" Ruby called out as she moved from behind the monitor.

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