Chapter 13: Sighting

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3rd POV

Onwards sat patiently at his desk as time slowly ticked by. He had listened carefully and taken plenty of notes throughout the lecture, despite the constant annoyance to his immediate right. A diligent student nonetheless, especially when compared to the frigates, though the heavy cruiser still outshines him in every subject.

The annoyance to the boy was a girl who was constantly staring at him, attempting to lean on him to 'look at his notes', and nagging him about anything she could.

"S-so..." Weiss meagerly began. "I heard the dance was coming up, which is very, very silly, especially for people like us, but maybe you and I c-could go together...?" She asked while pushing her finger tips against each other.

In response, the boy did little more than adjust himself.

"Hey!" Weiss quietly exclaimed, hoping not to draw the ire of the professor. "Did you hear me?"

"I did." Onwards replied monotonously. "I vas just zhinking about vhat to say because you did just ask me out."

Weiss felt her face heat up as usual. "I-is that how you view it?" She muttered as she buried her face in her hands. "J-just because you've been so helpful, I, Weiss Schnne, shall a-acompany you to t-the dance." She peeked at the boy while trying to feign confidence.

"Es tut mir leid, ich gehe nicht."
("I'm sorry, I'm not going.")

The girl's excitement faded as she mentally translated the sentence. With a voice crack, she spoke. "W-what?"

Onwards tilted his head in slight confusion. "Even after I made zhose lessons for you und Velvet, you still don't know-?"

"Of course I know!" Weiss quietly snapped at him. "For starters, stop bringing Velvet up! I don't like it when you talk about her! Secondly, you don't think I study your lessons every single day?" She leaned forward, getting the closest their faces have been since the day she fell on him. "I have stayed up late just so I could perfect your language, losing sleep, because I want to improve-!" She was hushed by a finger placed on her lips.

"Shhh. Some people are trying to vork." He cut her off with a hush. "Weiss..." He began. "If I can make it to zhe dance, I vill be zhere."

"P-promise?" Weiss asked as she set a hand on his wrist.

"I don't make promises I can't keep." He replied just before the bell rang with shrill beep.

Students around them began to gather their belongings and make their way out of the classroom. While Onwards put up his notes in a small bag, Weiss stood up and waited on him with a deflated expression.

The boy, feeling bad about the situation, grabbed a halfway empty canteen of water and analyzed it before grabbing a section of his notes. He then turned to the girl and offered them to her.

"I'll be busy for zhe entire day, so here are zhe notes from zhe morning und zhis period."

Weiss took the papers and eyed the canteen still in his hand. "What's that for?"

"A gift." Onwards answered. "Marigold told me you might like it, und I vas getting a new one anyvays." He felt it leave his palm and flashed a smile at the girl before waving goodbye. "Bye, Weiss!" He quickly shuffled past the leaving students and out the door.

Weiss stood their by herself and gawked at the object. Glancing around her to see if anyone was watching, she carefully unscrewed the lid and eyed the rim, feeling her heart beat wildly.

'An... indirect kiss...' She tightly clutched the canteen before slowly putting it to her lips, savoring the taste. 'THANK YOU HASTINGS!'

Then, she quickly put it up and raced out the classroom.

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