Chapter 40: ...and A Glimpse of Another's

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Chapter 40, huh? Thanks for continuing to read my shit. I appreciate it. Still don't know what I'm doing after this, but hopefully, I'll figure it out by the time I'm done.

 Still don't know what I'm doing after this, but hopefully, I'll figure it out by the time I'm done

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Anyways, on with the story!


3rd POV

'Wake up! I know you're awake.'

Before even Courageous could open her eyes and register she was indeed awake, Spring's voice echoed around her, bouncing off of unseen walls. Well, as if she could see.

'Can't even find privacy in my own mind.' The French girl internally groaned before beginning to fully wake up.

The frigate fluttered her eyes open, finding herself set on a couch in what appeared to be a run-down shack or the living room of a neglected house. Either way, it was in bad shape. The ceiling drooped above a window that allowed light to peek through dusty curtains, the wallpaper had started to peel off as if it had been neglected for far to long, and the pieces of furniture that were present were coated in a layer of dust.

Sitting up, the girl would be met by the worried stares of Team RWBY.

"Ugh... where are we?" Courageous asked with a groan, clutching her head as if she had a hangover.

'Brunswick Farms.' Spring immediately answered.

"Somewhere called Brunswick Farms." Yang answered, taking a sigh of relief beforehand. "You suddenly collapsed after the..." She glanced toward the farmhand that stood next to the old lady. ", so we kept going and found this place." She gestured around her.

"How do you feel?" Blake asked, sharing the same concern as the other girls. She approached the girl and offered to help her onto her feet.

"Fine." The French frigate responded as she took her hand. Once regaining her footing, she slightly leaned on the cat faunus for support before asking another question. "Where's the Relic?"

In response to the question, Ruby held up the lantern and held it in front of her, offering it to her. "Here."

Courageous smiled and reached for it. As she did so, she felt a sharp stinging sensation across her entire hand before feeling a major migraine appear.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Weiss asked with suspicion, narrowing her eyes at the girl.

The frigate raised her other hand and shooed her away. "Yeah-yeah. I'm fine." She tightly gripped the handle of the lantern and stumbled back, nearly falling if it weren't for the cat faunus and blonde brawler. "Just fatigued..."

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