Chapter 34: But A Moment

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3rd POV

Finally, after a lengthy night, the sun was beginning to peek above the horizon, finally bestowing its endearing rays unto the city of Mistral.

One of these little beams of light happened to pierce the window through a tiny crack in a curtain and into the eyes of a formerly slumbering Sangheili.

Defiance's eyes shot open to reveal a somewhat groggy gaze. He scanned the room he slept in and noticed it was the dining room, specifically a chair facing the window of the dining room. The Warrior took little time to properly awaken before he pushed himself away from the table and onto his feet, stretching his mandibles in the process.

"Oh, you're awake, Sangheili!"

The alien checked over his shoulder to view an energetic ball of steel floating toward him.

"Indeed, I am, Proclamation." Defiance replied as he grabbed his helmet from the table. "What brings you here?" He fought a yawn.

"Oh, I've been doing my checks around the house since... well, there's not a need for me to sleep, and I was just about to check on you!" Proclamation eagerly explained as she began to nod her chassis with each sentence. "I noticed you stayed up late last night." She inquisitivly circled the alien. "Anything important?"

"I had to stay up a little later than I had planned due to late night communications." The Warrior replied as he put made sure he had everything important. "Is anyone else awake?"

The monitor shook itself in a left-to-right motion before speaking. "Not that I know. Everyone else should be asleep, well- I think the two on the couch are awake." She turned to the doorframe. "Aside from those two, no one's left their rooms yet." She turned back to him with a curious question. "Is there a reason?"

"Not an immediate one." Defiance made his way to the doorway as quietly as he could, as to not stir anyone. "I have to finalize the last FOB by nine, so I need you to get those two up and have them get ready for the day. Once they're up, have them get everyone else up, and hopefully, the other two will arrive and be able to start breakfast." He ordered before placing a hand on the door-knob.

Proclamation nodded and prepared to take off to fulfill her task. However, just as the alien opened the door, a pair of warships with satchels would be found on the other side, both in their standard attire. The two warships, a French frigate and a German destroyer, were just about to knock on the door before the Sangheili opened it.

"Oh, Defi!" Courageous lowered her hand and quickly hugged the alien. "How've you been, mon ami?" She asked with an excited smile.

"Good." Defiance pat her head before pushing her away. "It's been a minute since we last talked, little frigate."

The girl snickered before peering around the alien. "Oh, I see Ruby and Val have gotten comfy." She watched the two teens silently shift beneath the same blanket. "Mind if we come in?"

Unsurprisingly, it would be Proclamation to jump into the conversation. "Of course!" She quickly approached the two and was greeted with a smile from the girl and a blank expression from the boy. "I'm Proclamation-"

"Yes, we know." Courageous cut her off and walked inside, the boy right on her tail. "I'm Courageous, but you could call me Cour, and behind me is Onwards."

At last, the German boy would speak; doing so with a wave. "Hello. It's a pleasure to meet our former caretaker." He slightly bowed.

"Aw, all of you make me so proud!" The monitor buzzed with excitement before the battle cruiser spoke.

Clearing his throat, Defiance had taken a step out of the house. "I hope you two did well enough on your FOBs. Gamma and Echo Company are supposed to be landing soon."

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