Chapter 8: Old Enemies, New Allies

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3rd POV

Forever Falls seemed perpetually stuck in autumn. The ever-present beauty of orange and red trees was highlighted by gray trunks as a brisk wind gently swooped throughout the region. Within this complex web of natural architecture, two opposing sides are graced by each other, with one side carefully stalking the other.

"Adamant." The deep, buttery voice of a Sangheili Zealot called out in a demanding tone.

A stout, low-ranking, Unggoy frantically searched around, unable to find his leader. "Mr. Defiance?" He squeaked out. "Where are you?"

The Grunt's rigging was covered in the basic purple color the Covenant used on their ships. The backside of his rigging carried an array of plasma weaponry. Eleven pulse lasers surrounded the upper chassis of his armor, six plasma cannons attached to the sides of his body, with three on each side, and sixteen plasma bombardment cannons surrounded his lower body in a ring-like fashion.

The Zealot revealed himself from thin air after an invisible hexagonal blanket was deactivated. "Here. What do you and your kin know of the human ships here?"

"W-well..." Adamant glanced around before looking at the fiery eyes of his superior. "T-the humans are UNSC for sures, but why they are with human cubs, me not so sures."

"Do they know we are here?" Defiance interrogated his underling.

"We not so sures. The boy with blue eyes looked directly at us, but we thinking he could not sees us."

Defiance scanned the area, seemingly in thought. "What would the Arbiter do..." He trailed off in thought.

Meanwhile, another Grunt sauntered out of the thick underbrush of the forest. He carried the exact same rigging and armor chassis as Adamant.

"Perhaps we can t-talk to them?" He asked fearfully.

Defiance paused and scanned the other Grunt. "Hmm... interesting idea, Eulogy. However, would you be willing to negotiate with the beings who drove you to near extinction?" He questioned firmly.

"N-no!" Eulogy squeaked out. "No, sir!"

"As I figured." Defiance turned to a large rock formation. "Righteous?"

Suddenly, the hulking form of a Mgalekgolo Hunter lumbered out from behind the boulders. It kept its shield and cannon down as it let out a low grunt.

The armor that encased the collection of worms covered its body with an opaque black material and yellow lights around both the plasma cannon and modified shield on its forearms. The armor replaced the standard blue material most Hunters have but had the same shape as the normal armor chassis. Its rigging carried a plethora of plasma weapons, with the most notable being a large cannon facing down attached to the center of its back.

"All accounted for." The Sangheili battlecruiser began to pace around while his forces lined up together. "For now, we shall avoid a confrontation with human forces unless absolutely necessary. Be not the first one to shoot, for it could bring an end to our already uneasy alliance with them."

The battlecruiser looked to his fleet with a sense of wounded pride before turning away with a gesture to follow him.


Meanwhile, in another part of the bustling forest, Glynda led Teams RWBY, JNPR, CANA, and CRDL through the charming area. Notably, CANA had their rigging equipped and the destroyer carried a rucksack with a red cross sticker on the front pouch.

"Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so." The professor reminded the gawking students.

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