Chapter 36: Malevolence Manifested

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3rd POV

"Yikes! What a blow! I almost pity him!"

"Indeed. However, you'd think they'd have worked on their CQB skills before trying to take the battle cruisers on..."

"Bah! Once they get their hands on the upgrade seeds, they'll be well on their way to completing the entire trial."

"It's honestly commendable how well they've done, especially when compared to their previous failure."

"Eh-he, that'd be my fault."

"Perhaps if you had a proper failsafe instead, we could've avoided the restart."

"Ahp! It's not entirely my fault! Well... it won't be when they do it right this time!"

"Whatever, Machina. I do hope you have the proper illusions in place?"

"Mhm! Prepped and ready to go! Even made you a warm cup of tea to watch it!"

"Hm. Very well, go fetch it for me."

"Right away, Organicum!"


The city of Mistral was turned into a warzone within hours. Flames and explosions wreaked havoc on the feeble city, destroying blocks, businesses, homes, and so much more as the Covenant and UNSC wrestled for control of this capital city. Fortunately for those living there, the UNSC appeared to be winning the war on the ground with efficiency and a great skill.

However, the situation in the academy was much different. Like the countless times before, humanity's stellar navy was busy having its ass handed to it, leaving only a single, mighty alien battle cruiser to fend off two more.

As Defiance bought them more and more time as his began to run low, the group that tended to the wounded and unconscious hastily worked while Proclamation hoped to reactivate a fallen carrier.

Everyone working with the wounded would give some space to the ones already operated on and let them talk to their beloved, if they were conscious. Those that weren't helping the wounded returned to battle the other humans. Oscar rushed to help Qrow with the burly man while Ren and Nora both took on Emerald and Mercury, deterring them from harassing the unconscious and their medics.

The first of the three warships was Perth. He and Valorous were quick to be temporarily patched up, just enough to keep them stable for the time being. Though, Wellington didn't really tell anyone as she was to lost in her kind and focused on keeping them alive. The Australian destroyer could be seen laying on his back as the blonde brawler sat on the floor next to him.

"Aw, stop cryin', Blondie... it's not-" Perth tried to wipe the blonde brawler's tears as he held her face in his hands but broke into a coughing fit, a bit of blood escaping his mouth. "-that bad-"

"Quit talking, Roo... you need to focus on yourself." Yang tried to stop herself from bawling her eyes out, unlike the nearby heiress.

"Hah... maybe you're right, babe..." Perth lowered his shakey hands with a smile of feigned confidence. "I'll just... take a nap..." He tried to close his eyes.

"No! Nononono!" Yang quickly shook him to keep him conscious. "Stay with me, Perth! Please!" She begged him through the stream of tears as she brought him into a hug. "I can't lose you, Roo!"

The Aussie smiled and leaned his head on her chest. "I love you, Yang..." He closed his eyes and almost instantly went limp. "But..  I'm so tired..."

"Roo? Roo!? Perth-" Yang immediately began to break into a heartbreaking sob as she tightly clutched him. She had finally found someone to love, someone to adore, and now she thinks he's dying in her arms. "Please don't go-"

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