Chapter 15: Confession and Intervention

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3rd POV

Defiance fluttered his eyes open and noticed the mundane ceiling of their dorm room above him. With a slight grumble, the alien rose from his new bed and snagged his helmet from the nightstand nearby. Before tucking it under his left arm, the alien, lacking his usual Zealot harness, turned to the window to notice the sun had yet to crest the horizon. He let out a yawn as he scanned his body, feeling relaxed in the boring Sangheili civillian clothing.

"The early bird catches the worm." The alien muttered quietly before sliding his helmet on, masking all of his alien facial features aside from his burning orange eyes.

Afterward, he noticed the other five warships, as crowded as the room was, were still fast asleep. The light destroyers slept in the same bed while the heavy frigates shared their own, leaving the other two beds for the cruisers.

This arrangement was made after Oklahoma and Hastings nagged the other three about how uncomfortable it was for Defiance to sleep on the floor. With some heavy convincing, the alien would get Courageous's former bed while she shared with her brother.

The alien crept silently across the floor, unheard, and made his way to the bathroom side door. His bare feet made gentle contact with the floor with every step, the feeling of his triple-jointed legs finally getting some air alongside it.

As he placed a hand on the knob, he turned to the sleeping warships, watching a light destroyer latch on to his sister, and with a warm smile, he entered the side room.

The soft click of the side door was just enough to wake up a sleeping frigate, her ears twitching from the sound. She slowly opened her eyes to view the back of her brother's still head and slowly began to move around, causing him to stir.

As she adjusted the blanket above them by pulling more of it onto her, she turned over only for the blanket to be yanked away from her.

"Hey!" Courageous exclaimed in a hushed whisper. "Give it back!" She tugged at the blanket.

Valorous turned over to view his sister and, with an annoyed look, gave her half of the blanket. "Don't be an asshole then."

"Maybe if you stopped kicking me in your sleep!" She quickly retorted.

The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Someone's grumpy." He muttered.

"And someone can't be quiet!" The southern twang of Oklahoma called out.

The two frigates focused their attention on the now awake cruiser before groaning internally.

"If you're gonna argue..." Oklahoma grumbled as he sat up. " it quietly." He yawned before kicking the blankets off himself. "What time is it anyway?" He asked as he scratched his neck.

"Like..." Courageous looked to the clock on the wall. "Four in the morning..." She groaned before digging her head into her pillow.

Valorous mimicked his sister's gesture. "Of course, it had to be four..."

Oklahoma got out of bed, stretched his limbs, and began to take on an excited expression. "That means tomorrow is the Dance! Which also means all of you will be in dresses and suits!" He exclaimed, waking the last pair in the room.

Hastings had listened in on their conversation for the last minute, but what forced her to move was how Onwards began to stir.

"Oi!" The destroyer snapped at the three. "Shut up! Some people are trying to sleep!" She exclaimed while gesturing to her sleeping brother, who hugged her tightly.

"Sorry, sleeping beauty." Courageous rolled her eyes before moving to get out of bed. She stopped to nudge her brother with a smirk. "Seems like someone wants to keep the bloodline pure-" She was interrupted by a pillow getting thrown at her, sending her to the floor.

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