Chapter 26: Aftermath

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3rd POV

"Stellar! Absolutely stellar!"

"I must admit, they put on quite a display. More so than last time."

"I think this test might actually work!"

"Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves, Machina."

"Ugh, why do you have to be such a stickler for the rules, Organicum!"

"Lest we forget what happened last time."

"Right, right. As long as I don't do what I did last time."

"Mhm. You did destroy the experiment yourself with that insane challenge."

"Meh, it is what it is. Say, isn't it almost time for the humans' dream?"

"Oh dear, we're running a bit behind schedule this morning."

"Well, c'mon, then!"


Quietly drifting through now unmoving wrecks, Oklahoma and Defiance, along with those that were on the frontlines, found themselves aimlessly floating along. Their eyes were shut, and their rigging powered off. Aside from the whimsical hue generated by newly liberated Wisdom Cubes, the wreckage was obscured in a lightness blanket.

An erie silence hung over the battlefield.

However, despite the drifting allied warships, not a single Covenant warship was to be seen. Not even the corpse of the obliterated Unggoy could be identified.

You see, after the assault carrier recovered from the EMP, he opted to withdraw from the wrecks with his fleet in tow. He and his battle cruisers would have rather butchered the UNSC where they stood but couldn't muster the strength to do so. Therefore, they made a swift retreat, lacking very key objects in their inventory.

The two enemy battlecruisers had been almost completely pickpocket during the battle, losing several Wisdom Cubes in the process.

Despite the monumental damages the UNSC received, there was a silver lining to their cloud. It was just a matter of time when they would reawaken to join the frigate that had just arrived.


Courageous leaned forward in her seat, clutching her now bandaged stomach. She slowly walked toward the window to get a better view of the scene, hearing someone walk up to her from behind.

Pyrrha opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She found herself bedazzled by the sight of an endless sea of stars beyond the wreckage of a war so foreign to her. To her, this felt like a strange dream.

"The sight never gets old." The wounded frigate turned around and gestured for the girl to stand by her. "Even after what feels like the millionth time for me..." She slightly chuckled.

The Fall Maiden quietly stepped toward the window with a look of wonder. She gently pressed a palm against the window and spoke. "When you first told us about... everything, I thought you were just crazy."

"Eh, I wouldn't blame ya."

With the slightest frown, Pyrrha continued. "But seeing this..." She gazed into the endless sea. "'s just so... defining."

Quietly shuffling, Courageous leaned forward to peak at the girls face with a worried look. "You're trying to take your mind off things, huh?" She narrowed her eyes at the girl, who turned away. "Don't blame you. Must suck having to leave someone you confessed to."

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