Chapter 14 - Hide and Seek

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Today was my first initial meeting with IMG Models. It was safe to say that I was extremely nervous, bricking it, if you will. As I finished brushing my teeth, my hands smoothed out the creases in my black blouse and my finger tips brushed through my hair, ensuring there wasn't a single knot.

For the first time since coming back to Sydney, I was at my own home, spending the first night ever, alone. I had been staying with the boys even since Daniel had gone to Perth. Rachel and I found it more comfortable there anyways, it was bigger and the facilities the house had to offer was miles better than our home. I wanted to sleep in 'Daniel's' bed, the vacant smell of his aftershave still lingered in the sheets which lulled me to sleep each night. It was now 20th April, meaning the boys would be leaving tomorrow ahead of first practice on Friday. Rachel and I really didn't want to say goodbye to our new found friends but most importantly, we didn't want to say goodbye to their beautiful house.

To ensure I remained focused, I decided to go home to my own bed. Being alone didn't bother me either, as a matter of fact, the silence focused myself on what my objective was today. I needed to remain calm, cool and collected to have any chance of becoming an angel. The thought of it sent chills down my spine, a dream of mine which I have had for years, dangling in front of me, teasing me.

Daniel had been gone three days. Three, very long, days. But I'd have to wait some more before I could see him again. He kept his promise, this time, and called me everyday to keep me updated with his activities in Perth. He usually did this before bedtime as he informed me that his parents would simply embarrass him and he didn't want to put pressure on me to meet his parents, yet. It was always my favourite part of the day, but I was afraid this wouldn't continue when he was back on the track.

IMG had sent a car to pick me up and transport me to the office, which I didn't mind at all. I felt quite the celebrity. As I climbed into the back of the Mercedes Bens, I relaxed a little, consuming small sips of the coffee I had bought out with me. The heat soothed my anxiety.

The car ride wasn't long and we arrived at the office in next to no time. I thanked the driver and stepped out of the vehicle. Slowly making my way to the black glass doors, I pushed my way through the turnstiles and headed for front desk.

"Good Morning." I smiled at the lady on reception as she turned round to greet me. "I have a 11:30 appointment with Miss Benson, Mr Whitesell and Mr Razek."

"Right lovely, just walk down this hallway and it's the third door on your left. They are in the room ready for you." After making a quick call to the extension number of the CEO, I was ushered with the ladies directions. As I made my way down the long corridor, photographs of magazine covers and previous Victoria Secret Angels filled the white space. Pictures of Karlie Kloss and Heidi Klum took my gaze as I continued to walk.

I arrived outside the door, taking a deep breath.

You can do this.

I knocked politely at the door and waited to be called into the room. The door opened to reveal a bright white boardroom with small catwalk presented in the middle of the room. At the table sat the three staff I expected. Cameras were pointed at the stage, readily placed to take photos.

"Miss Fox, it's so lovely to meet you." Lisa extended her hand for me to shake. I obliged to her actions and smiled, mirroring her greetings, reciprocating this across to the two men who were seated either side of her.

"Right then, Miss Fox, shall we get started?" Patrick smiled and stood up from his chair.

"I would love to, but please call me Amy." I smiled up at the table. They all returned the grin and nodded their heads.

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