Chapter 73 - Singapore

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The delay for Singapore to begin was dragging as the rain poured down. All drivers waited in their garages or driver's rooms to hide away, patiently awaiting for the weather to turn.

As Lando and Daniel ran amok throughout the corridors of the garage, standing outside their drivers room to throw a ball across to one another, nearly missing each others faces as they full-pelted the ball, Michael and Blake laughed along as boredom was beginning to strike.

I lay down on the sofa as I stretched out fully, warning myself every few minutes to not fall asleep as the sound of Daniel's booming laugh drowned into the background, now simply white noise to me as I fought the consistent tiredness which took over my other senses.

"I've got you a hot chocolate." Rachel whispered as she approached me from the side, slightly making me jump at the new sound which filtrated into my left ear.

Smiling lightly, I yawned and sat up in my seat, taking the cup from her hands as I tried to wipe my eyes without disturbing the many layers of mascara I had on, trying anything I could to make myself look half decent through the exhaustion.

"They'll be driving soon, babe. Then we can get you to bed." Rachel smiled as she placed her hand softly on my knee.

"I'm a right boring fuck at the moment. All I want to do is sleep." I complained and took a sip from my drink, wincing as the burning hot liquid scolded the roof of my mouth.

"Rightly so! If you can't sleep everywhere and anywhere at any time when you're pregnant, when can you?" Rachel laughed as the boys now emerged into Daniel's room, their loud voices vibrating into the small cabin.

"She's alive!" Lando joked as he took a seat next to Rachel and leaned across the small table between us.

"You alright, gorgeous?" Daniel asked in a passing comment as he propped himself on the arm of the sofa next to me.

Groaning, I leaned my head into his lap and etched my cheek across his thigh whilst his hands looped through my hair.

"Race starts in 20 minutes." Blake confirmed as he looked up from his phone, the good news making me smile lightly as I'd soon be tucked up in my bed.

"Ready to go Riccy D?" Lando exclaimed as he stood up from his seat and started to air box. "Let's go and fucking race!"

"Lando, will you keep your voice down?" Rachel smacked the back of his head as he yelled out in pain and rubbed the site where Rachel's hand had collided with his neck. "Pregnant woman trying to sleep." Rachel pointed over in my direction as I giggled under my breath.

"I'm not sleeping, I promise." I exhaled whilst my eyes were still propped shut, my body making full use of Daniel's heat.

"You're not convincing anyone, my love." Daniel chuckled as he began to move, making a stand as he carefully moved my head and squatted down in front of me. "You don't have to stay here, you can go back if you're too tired." Daniel offered as my eyes fluttered open to meet with his.

"I wouldn't miss your races, Dan. I have a good feeling about this one." I smiled as I traced my hand across Daniel's jaw as his bright smile beamed across his face.

"I'm starting in 17th, Ame. I hardly think that I'm going to win." Daniel muttered through gritted teeth.

"That's not the fighting talk we discussed, Daniel." Lando shouted as he zipped up his race suit and picked up his driving gloves off one of the side tables.

As Lando shouted, the kicking in my stomach started as I rushed my hand to my side and breathed in sharply, laughing at the same time.

"I think your daughter has more fighting spirit in her than you do." I commented as I leaned forward, clutching my stomach in the process whilst I pursed my eyes together as another swift kick radiated in my rib.

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