Chapter 61 - You've Never Called Me That Before

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"So, what appears to be the problem today?" Her thick Australian accent rang through her doctors office as she pulled up some medical records on the computer.

"I was having a glass of wine with my friends and I went to stand up and got extremely dizzy. My headache is excruciating. My friends say I look pale but I haven't looked at myself." I confessed over to the female doctor as she nodded along.

"She does look pale." Daniel confirmed as he had his hand linked with mine.

"Has this ever happened before, Miss Fox?" She asked as she typed up my notes, looking at me from the side as I answered her question.

"I got dizzy a few days ago and I had an episode a couple months ago of really bad anxiety where I was unable to walk unaided for a few days." I explained as she continued typing.

"I can see here that you visited your doctors in London. They gave you some high dosage anxiety medication and changed your contraception and you were also given a vaginal examination?" She questioned as I nodded along.

"Yeah, I had a really bad period so they offered me one as a precaution, alongside a wee and blood test."

"Do you mind if we repeat these tests today? Just as a check up so we can check that you're okay." She offered as I accepted, smiling slightly as her reassuring accent helped me feel more comfortable.

"What could be wrong with her?" Daniel asked as he nervously tapped his foot onto the floor, making an audible sound as his leg wobbled up and down.

"It could be a mixture of things. The dosage of anxiety medication may not be responding well with the new contraception, she could have a water infection or viral infection..." her voice trailed off as she pulled out a urine test cup and handed it to me.

"There's a bathroom down the hallway, please fill this up and we can get it checked within the hour. When you come back I'll take your bloods which will be sent off urgently and results should be back tomorrow morning. I'll get the bed ready for your vaginal exam."

After Daniel assisted me to the bathroom, I did my urine test and quickly made my way back to the room.

As we walked slowly down the corridor, Daniel stopped and looked at me.

"Are you alright? Did you want me to wait outside for this?" He asked as I briefly stopped for a moment, smiling from ear to ear at his kind nature.

"Dan, you were with me for my last one, you've seen it before." I giggled as he chuckled lightly next to me.

"Whatever happens, whatever is wrong, I'm here." He said, his voice lowering in tone as he became more serious.

"I know." I smiled gently and my face warmed gradually at his behaviour. He lent down and placed a small kiss to my lips before we returned back inside the doctors office.

The needle entered my vein as I briefly looked away and buried my head into Daniel's chest. He deeply chuckled as his hand rested on the back of my head.

"I didn't know that you were afraid of needles." Daniel smiled as he thanked the doctor once she was finished.

"I'm not, I just hate blood tests." I admitted and finally looked down as she placed a cotton ball and plaster to the location where the needle had just been entered into my arm.

"Right, I'm ready for your exam when you are, just remove your underwear and lift up your dress and I will pull the screen around us so we can have a little more privacy. Did you want your partner here with you?"

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