Chapter 60 - Dizzy

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As I woke up the next morning, my hair hung a heavy mess over Rachel's pillow as I heard the shower turned on. Rolling over, Rachel wasn't there, explaining the noise in the shower.

I pulled the sheets over my head and groaned. Last night was just disaster after disaster. Not only had I shouted at every person in this house, causing a scene over dinner, I'd also let Daniel down.

He told me that he loved me. Something I'd heard before, countless times, but the words hadn't been uttered since we broke up. This was the first time in a long time that he'd spoken those all important three words to me.

"Morning babe." Rachel walked out into the bedroom, stark naked as she towel dried her hair.

"Please put some clothes on, mate." I groaned at her causing her to giggle slightly before locating her robe, tying it swiftly around her waist.

"Better?" She asked and twirled around for me.

"Much." I smiled and sat up, pulling the sheets up to my chest.

"Now, are you going to explain why you slept with me last night and not with Daniel?"

"I'm so in love with you." Daniel whispered as I remained silent, taken back by the words we used to frequently say to each other, which now seemed like a distant memory.

The silence evaporated around us as my expression must've changed in order for Daniel to move away from me and place his hand over his mouth, audibly rubbing the facial hair on his chin.

"Dan-" I started to speak before I was cut off.

"No, it's fine." He huffed and turned around, placing his boxers back on and turning around to hand me my clothes. "You don't love me anymore, it's fine."

Although he kept using the word 'fine', Daniel was in fact, not fine. He paced around the room like a headless chicken as he didn't know what to do with himself, breathing heavily and turning through the air as he finally arrived at the windows, opening them wide to let some fresh air in.

"Daniel, I can see myself loving you again." I stated, trying to soften the blow that was the news that I had in fact fallen out of love with him. It wasn't that I didn't love him anymore, a lot had happened in between to make me question his loyalty and trust.

"But you don't love me now." He stated, using his finger to point into the floor as he spoke. His auburn eyes became glossy as he spoke, before running his tongue across his bottom lip, slightly chuckling to himself as he placed his hands onto each hip.

"Dan, a lot has happened between us since I called off the engagement. We aren't going to be repaired within a few hours." I said as I hurried Daniel's t-shirt over my body, the surface area large enough to just cover up my bum.

Daniel stood there topless, taking in some air from the window as he calmed down his breathing. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, mentally taking care to include every number in the sequence.

"I thought that you loved me." He stated, his breath still shaky as he fought extremely hard not to cry. His deep eyes locked with mine as I walked over to him as slowly as I could. As if you were approaching a small deer in the headlights.

"I did Daniel. And I do. Just not in the same way that you love me." I spoke softly, finally approaching him as I placed my hand upon the top of his arm. "But that doesn't mean we can't get back in that place again."

"I'm already there." Daniel shrugged, a singular tear shedding from his right eye as it cascaded gracefully down his complexion, splitting its atom's as it collided with his beard.

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