Chapter 19 - Shopping

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After the previous night's panic attack and bath palaver, Daniel and I had gone back to bed and fallen asleep.

Waking me from my comfortable slumber was the sound of male voices coming from downstairs. I lifted my head from the pillow, moved the hair from out of my face and looked over at the other side of the bed. Daniel's side was empty which narrowed down one of the voices coming from my kitchen. I slightly sat up and wrapped the bedsheet around my chest and listened closer. I could definitely hear Daniel's laugh and Michael's lecturing. That's two of the voices narrowed down.

I slowly climbed out of bed and ran over to my chest of drawers to find some clothes to wear. I pulled on some clean underwear and slipped on some plain black cycling shorts and an oversized Nike jumper. I placed my feet into my Ugg slippers and stood in the doorway of my bedroom, to do some more listening. There were two unfamiliar voices amongst the others, both of them being Australian. I screwed my face in confusion and in anxiety. I wasn't mad at Daniel for having friends over around my house, but a little heads up would've been good. 

I quickly picked my phone up from my bed and dialled Rachel; she would know what to do. Within a few rings, she answered.

"Hey girl, all good to come back now?" She teased down the phone.

"What? You're not home yet?" I queried and looked at my Apple watch, seeing it was past 10am.

"No?" She sounded confused. "I went out with the guys last night and ended up crashing at their place." The guys being our other Formula One friends.

"Rach, I need you to come home now." I informed her as I continued to stand in the doorway of my bedroom, keeping an eye out for any unwanted visitors. 

"Why? Is everything okay?" Her voice became concerned.

"Daniel has friends over, I don't recognise some of their voices." I told her, now thinking I sounded stupid. Although, Rachel didn't tease me or laugh at me.

"I'll be there in 5." She said quickly before ending the call.

The five minutes she promised went quickly and she was true to her word. I heard the front door open and Rachel make herself known, as always. I then heard Daniel greet her and introduce her to the others; Scotty and Blake. 

"Is Amy awake?" Rachel asked Daniel, obviously knowing the answer, her inner actress shining through.

"I haven't checked on her in the last hour." Daniel admitted.

"I'll go see."

Rachel's frantic footsteps came bounding up the stairs and headed straight in the direction of me. 

"One man is his friend, he also happens to be dating Lance's sister and the other one is his manager." She said before I could ask.

"Wait, which one is dating Lance's sister?" I asked, shocked at the news. Small world.

"Scotty." Rachel smiled. "Blake is the manager."

I nodded whilst biting at the ends of my acrylic nails.

"Should I be worried?" I asked Rachel in concern.

"No, they seem lovely." Rachel nodded and gave me a comforting smile. "Shall we?" She put on her best posh accent and signalled for me to link my arm with hers. I giggled at her and slid my arm through hers as we made our way downstairs. Deep inside my stomach sat a layer of nerves. "Oh, and you need to fill me in on what happened last night. Every. Last. Detail." Rachel specified as we walked, causing me to laugh a little louder. As we walked through the entrance of the kitchen, Daniel's head turned to face mine as I laughed with Rachel, his signature grin smiling from ear to ear.

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