Chapter 37 - Racesuit

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When I tell you that I've never ran so quickly to follow Lando, I wasn't lying. We raced out of the hotel and jumped into his car. Michael had decided to join us as Blake and Scotty remained in our room whilst we retrieved Daniel. I didn't care that I was dressed in my pyjamas, all I needed was Daniel and to know whether he was okay.

Lando pulled away as he darted down the country roads of Montreal.

"Charles found him, he's in the middle of nowhere." Lando informed us as he continued up rural roads, leading to nowhere.

I nodded in response, not knowing what to say or where to look. My eyes focused on the road ahead as Lando continued to break the speed limit.

"He's alright though, right?" Michael asked from the backseat, looking at Lando through the rear view mirror.

"He's not hurt, if that's what you're asking." Lando exhaled and lowered his shoulders.

Daniel wasn't physically hurt, but he was mentally fucked.

We arrived at our destination as Lando ushered us out of the car to walk down a small path which led to the opening of a stream. It was deathly silent here as I noticed Daniel sat down by the water, skimming stones as he looked out at the surrounding scenes.

Charles climbed up to us as there was a rocky verge separating us from the lower platform in which Daniel was situated.

"Amy, thank god you're here." Charles smiled, pulling me in and hugging me. I hugged him back, thankful for a small gesture of comfort.

"Is he okay?" I asked Charles as I noticed his face drop. His hand came into contact with the back of his neck and he scratched it nervously.

"He won't really talk to anyone." He admitted as I looked over his shoulder and towards the broken man on the floor.

"Michael, help me down." I turned around and looked at Michael as he nodded and stepped down the rocks and onto the lower ground. As I was not suitably dressed for the occasion, I couldn't quite get grips with walking down a rocky verge in my fluffy slippers. Michael put his hand out to guide me as I used him as support.

"Do you want me to come over with you?" Michael asked as we were now only a few strides away from Daniel.

"I've got this." I smiled up at the Australian as he rubbed my back. Taking small steps and grabbing my arms to support myself, I walked over to Daniel who had just picked up another rock, caressing the smooth edges with his fingers.

I kneeled down behind him, causing him to turn around at the sudden shift of energy.

"Hey." I half smiled as Daniel returned the favour before turning his attention back around to throwing rocks into the still water. "Daniel?"

"I don't need your pity." Daniel broke the silence as the other guys looked at us, watching the situation unfold intently.

"I haven't come to give you any pity." I spoke and rested my hand on Daniel's shoulder. He dropped the rock, freeing his hand and slowly placed it onto mine. "I just wanted to see that you were okay."

Daniel exhaled sharply before turning around to face me. I was now situated between his legs as we both sat on the rocky terrain.

"I've had a shit day." Daniel confessed and looked at the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Dan." I whispered and placed my hands on either side of his face. "I'm so sorry for everything."

Daniel looked into my eyes as I let a few tears slip. It was breaking my heart to see him like this, so broken and sad. Daniel was never the upset one, he was always a ray of sunshine wherever he went. Even though this could be annoying at times, I wanted to see my happy Daniel back again.

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