Chapter 8 - Runway

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Today was my modelling debut. Something I have been dreading since the moment I began to model when we decided to move to Sydney not long after turning 18. You'd think that I would be so excited to get on the runway and walk my heart out, hopefully drawing attention from a larger agency than the one I am already signed with, but today I was anxious, to say the least.

Rachel had organised for my brother, Penelope and their daughter Delilah to watch me today, which contributed to the raging nervousness I felt deep inside of me. I wanted to impress today, but this wasn't familiar to me. What was familiar to me was standing in front of a camera and having pictures taken. You can mess pictures up as the best ones will only be selected. But on the runway, there was no room for mistakes. If you mess up, that could be it for your career. If you don't grab the eye of someone, that's also the end of your career. A lot was riding on my future today.

"This is so exciting Ames, I'm so fucking proud of you!" Rachel entwined her fingers with mine in the back of my brothers car. She glowed with pride as she looked at me.

Looking over at my best friend, I thought about what I'd do without her and without her continued support throughout the years. She was truly like a sister to me and I felt an ounce of ease settle within me, knowing she was here today and by my side.

Delilah lay asleep in the car seat next to us in the back. How I wished I was her; asleep without any knowledge of what was happening today.

We arrived at the venue and it was stunning. A large function room next to the harbour. The natural daylight rolled through the glass walls which surrounded the room, showcasing the rolling waters and yachts which rocked up and down with the waters current. The room was filled with white roses and candles scattered on the floor. Singular chairs had been laid out for guests to watch, marking out the path for the models for walk across.

"I guess I should get ready then?" I smiled at my family, Delilah was still asleep in Penelope's arms.

"You'll smash it today princess, you've got this." My brother placed a hand on my upper arm and sent me a comforting look. His eyes welled up with tears but he didn't let any drop. "I'm so proud of you."

Before I burst into tears myself, I quickly made my way backstage. I looked around to see a dozen beautiful women all preparing themselves for the evening. I was so out of my league here. All of the women were tall, thin and beautiful. I wanted to wrap myself in a blanket and run out of here as I became more and more insecure.

"Amy darling!" The director came up to me and gave me a kiss on each cheek. Simone Fleming stood in front of me, ushering me to where I should get ready. "How are you feeling my love?"

"If I'm honest with you Si, I've been better." I chuckled as we approached my dressing area. A small section of the room had been cornered off for each of us to change our outfits. "Have you seen the other girls here? They're all gorgeous!"

Simone turned on her heel at my statement and gave me a questioning look.

"One thing you lack my darling is confidence!" Funnily enough, that's not the first time I had heard that statement. "You're one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Your photography work is incredible. You have a figure to die for and I know you have a killer walk in you. Have a little faith in yourself for god's sake."

I nodded slowly, taking in such a compliment from a modelling legend. Simone was director of Runway Fashion Products ltd, a large modelling company in Australia. They were often showing up at fashion events and having meetings with Anna Wintour. This company had been responsible for the careers of Abbey Lee and Shanina Shaik; both modelling legends. Both contributing to Gucci fashion shows, as well as Shanina walking with Victoria Secret. She was a literal angel!

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