Chapter 49 - Arguments

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LA was soon over as the drivers departed to the south of France where the next Grand Prix would be held within just over a week; allowing the boys to get aquatinted with the time difference and begin their rigorous training.

I had planned to attend the French Grand Prix with my family as I was not planning on being recently broken up with one of the drivers, so all paddock passes had already been handed over to me.

Mom and dad decided to go home after America, not wanting to do anymore travelling around the world anytime soon as they were tired. They both also had full time jobs which meant they couldn't vacate as frequent as they would've wished.

Daniel and I had planned to stay with my brother and his family during this part of the season, but since plans had changed, he went to the same hotel complex as Max and Lando whilst I went to Rich's alone.

Penelope was a massive help during this time, I didn't know how to feel or how to navigate the situation I had ended up in, but with her wisdom filled words and wise sayings, I knew I could get through this with her assistance.

Rachel had gone back to London to be with Paul, spending enough time away from his recently to feel as if she was missing him. Of course I missed her, but I knew how happy it made her to be with him so I couldn't hold onto her for long.

Charlie hadn't spoken to me since that evening in LA. He hadn't even tried to attempt to call or text, as if he had vanished off the face of the earth, wanting to forget about how awkward it would possibly be before we met again.

I bounced Delilah on my hip as I whisked around Rich and Penelope's home, taking on baby sitting duties while I gave them some quality time for a change. Delilah was a happy baby and very easy to cater for. She was excitable over the littlest thing which made looking after her a doddle.

I'd already been in France for a little over three days, only four more to go before racing started again and I hadn't heard from anyone. I was completely isolated as I spent most of my days caring for my two year old niece whilst my brother and sister-in-law were at work. I rarely ever had time to myself so this felt all very lonely to me.

Breaking me from my spell and picking up the copious amounts of sweets in which Delilah had scattered across the kitchen work surface, my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it without even checking to see who it was.

"Long time no see!" Lando's excitable voice echoed down the phone as I scooped the food from the counter into my hand.

"Hey stranger." I laughed as I multitasked between my phone, Delilah and cleaning.

"We are bored and wondered whether you have anything exciting to suggest?"

"Shouldn't you be busy training?" I commented as I placed Delilah into her high chair, strapping her in and locking the straps in place. "And no, I'm baby sitting. As I've been doing since I got here."

Lando continued to talk about his rushed schedule with me, obviously bored as he had nobody else to rant on to. His voice stopped dead in its tracks as the familiar sound of Daniel's voice erupted in the background.

"Look, Lan, I should go." I whispered as I spoon fed Delilah some baby food, her happy blabbing filled the empty silences which surrounded the rest of our conversation.

I could hear them speaking through muffled voices as I dared to end the call, my finger hovering over the screen as my digit was millimetres away from selecting the red button.

"Wait!" Daniel's voice became clearer down the device, Delilah screamed at the familiar tones. "Lilah, is that you?"

"Uncle Daniel!" She screamed again, still not getting the pronunciation of his name correct but you had to give her credit for trying. I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm towards the Australian. An enthusiasm which everyone else had for him.

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