Chapter 30 - That was fun

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That evening, I slept on the sofa with Daniel, whilst Michael slept on the other sofa across from us in the living room. Nobody knew that we had kissed, that was a story for later, our little secret for now. There was something so wrong about it, the fact that I had caved into him mere days after what had happened, but everything felt so right with him. Like he could do no wrong when his actions had been unmistakably unforgivable. That's the thing about Daniel, you simply cannot help yourself from loving him; he lights up a room, turns darkness into heavenly light within seconds.

We slept away from each other, deciding that would be for the best, in case Michael caught on that something had happened between us. Just in case my mom had walked in during the night to see her daughter snuggled up with the man who had broken her heart. My mind raced as I slept, thoughts of Daniel and my mom talking were whirling around non-stop. Had they discussed the situation? Did my mom know about what had happened between us? But then thoughts of Rachel's words transcribed in my memory, "I'm not asking you to jump into his bed, but maybe talk things through, be there for him, as a friend."

But in all fairness, I had mustered the courage to speak with Daniel after dinner with Rachel, and it didn't end up as 'friendly' as I had once thought. But I didn't want it to be that way, I wanted Daniel more than anyone ever knew. The excitement I felt deep inside of me when he asked me to be his girlfriend, the idea of being his wife one way made me unbearably happy. But now, that was all a fever dream. An achievement which once felt close, near and dear, to one that now feels a million miles away, unreachable. My dream-like state replaying our memories, both happy and sad, combined with the feelings of past memories, ones where I was hurt, broken inside.

I looked up at the clock on the kitchen wall to view the time.


Jason should be back any minute now. The anxiety loomed in the pit of my stomach as I continued to cut the vegetables up in front of me, preparing dinner for us in the hopes that this would make him happy. In the hopes that he wasn't in a bad mood and I could make it through the evening without one incident.

Was this how a person should live their life? In fear of their boyfriend returning from 'work'. Afraid that they may not make it through the night due to their heart collapsing in on itself or afraid that their significant other may take it one step too far and forget to remove their hands from your throat.

The door clicked open as Jason called out a greeting. His voice didn't seem angry, a good start. I heard his footsteps move gradually from the hallway into the kitchen, each movement enraging the nervousness in my body. I closed my eyes to take a deep breathe, remembering how to breath was key, I needed to be strong, to pretend everything was okay.

"Hey Amy." Jason moved into the kitchen and watched me as I chopped up the onion. My hands beginning to tremble.

"Hey, how was your day?" I asked as I moved any successfully chopped vegetables into the pot next to me. His eyes watched as I moved.

"Nervous?" Jason smirked as he noticed my rapid breathing and shaking hands.

I shook my head slightly to signal 'no', even though I very much meant 'yes'. A deep bellowing chuckle escaped his evil lips and he placed his coat down on the kitchen table, before moving over towards me. I placed the knife down on the chopping board and stepped away from the counter.

"You look so pathetic when you are nervous." He spat as he now approached me, inches away from my face. His breath smelt of alcohol which burned away at his soul. His eyes were glazed over and bloodshot, either drunk or high on his own supply. "I haven't even touched you yet." He snarled and grabbed my waist abruptly.

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