Chapter 47 - New Beginnings

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I sat with my legs up against my chest, book sprawled over one hand and cigarette in the other as I looked over the view from the hotel room.

The Los Angeles coastline was magnificent and the weather was even better. With the window cocked open ajar, the smoke evacuated the room as I took small drags from the burning stick to fill my lungs with the fuel that would surely consume my body and help me control my anxiety for a few minutes.

The pounding in my head had finally come to a halt; the ibuprofen working overtime to save me from the crippling hangover I had found myself in when I first opened my eyes this morning. My mouth dryer than the dessert and my hair a torn up mess on my head, I struggled to even move a muscle as the consistent dancing which had taken place last night has definitely done a number on my body.

We didn't get back to the hotel until the sun was about to rise. Rachel and I had been the last ones back, reliving our party girl days just for one more evening in the beautiful American city. We felt like rockstars for one night only and I felt like a major celebrity. One who would be stopped for photos everywhere they went and would be constantly hounded by the paparazzi. I felt omnipotent and important and the realisation that I had done this for myself and by myself was the reassurance I needed to know that I had finally done the right thing by me.

I had never been a selfish person, I had never been one for putting anything before my own happiness, always wanting to ensure I was the last person to get what they truly wanted. But what I truly wanted was to be number one in someone's life. Not the second choice for anyone, not the person who was overlooked where their feelings didn't matter as much as exhibit A. I was now exhibit A and it was all thanks to me.

Rachel groaned as she entered the living area of the suite, her pyjamas hung loosely over her figure as she rubbed her hand over her face at the sight of bright daylight, obviously hurting her eyes and head as she recovered from her excruciating hangover.

"Close the curtains." She groaned as she collapsed her body down onto the sofa, reaching out for the glass of water I had poured for myself and downing it in one swift gulp. "What a fucking party." She slightly smiled before realising that any sort of facial expression or emotion would concave in her mind and pound in her head.

I placed my cigarette into the ash tray, putting the last of it out before jumping down from the window seat and moving over to my bag. I pulled out the pain killers which had surely remedied me and handed them over to my friend. Her smile was genuine as she accepted them, wanting any bit of help to get her through the next few hours.

"Kelly has invited us for dinner tonight." I informed her, reminding myself of the text she has sent me this morning. She wanted a smaller get together and celebration between our group, informing me that the boys would also be there. Rachel groaned as she closed her eyes and wrapped herself up in the blanket, signalling over that she needed time to recuperate.

Not wanting to be stuck inside these four walls, I went into the bedroom and pulled on some workout wear before exiting the suite and making my way down into reception.

A run would surely do me some good and help me focus on today. That was until I walked into the main lobby to see Michael and Max having a chat at front desk. They looked up as they spotted me. Max didn't react at me, he was pissed off at the fact that I hadn't given Daniel the time of day or had even spoken to him about the end of our relationship, deciding for myself what was best before acting upon how I felt.

Michael, however, smiled and waved me over. Max patted the Australian on the back and moved away, scurrying past me to go into the hotel's restaurant, making a swift exit from the conversation he didn't want to have with me.

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