Chapter 16 - Girl's Night

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We had been at home in London now for four days. Both myself and Rachel had forgotten how much we loved it here and how much it felt like home in comparison to Australia. Sure, Sydney had been kind to us and we have loved being there for the majority of the year, for the past eight years, but there was a comfortable familiarity which came with London. Plus, we were English which made us feel right back at home.

We came back straight from Miami. After a horrible 9 hour flight, we arrived back at Gatwick at the beginning of the week. Thursday I had my arranged photoshoot with IMG which couldn't have gone any better, if I do say so myself. All staff and other models were lovely which eased my nerves tremendously, which now brings us to Friday.

Rachel and I had decided to host a girls night in our shared townhouse in Notting Hill. Before we moved to Sydney, I had managed to buy this home, for a tidy price. It was always my dream to have a family home, even at 18 years old. It was a comfortable four bedrooms and two bathrooms, with an en-suite in the master bedroom. It had a large living space and open planned kitchen/diner. There was a small garden situated through the double doors in the dining room and a large winding staircase which transported you from each floor. The mixture of old and new ran throughout this home. The feeling of being here again made me never want to go back to the land down under. I managed to afford this house at such a young age due to inheritance money from a family member I had never even met before. It allowed me to build my sanctuary; a place where I felt most at peace. This was the gift to myself after leaving Jason, to help build myself back up from the ground.

I had laid out different snack boards for the girls and started to pour wine into glasses when the doorbell rang. I heard Rachel run down the stairs to answer it, revealing our high school friends. Olivia was head of marketing at a design company in Birmingham. She got married last year to her husband of five years and she was extremely happy. Poppy followed behind. Poppy was now a primary school teacher and also married. She now lived in Essex with her husband and four year old daughter, Ava. Last but not least was Molly. She worked as an air hostess and lived in Cheshire with her long-term partner. Everyone had stable and steady relationships apart from Rachel and I.

After the usual greetings and sharing updates on our lives, we moved into the living room after changing into our comfy clothes. We decided that we didn't want to wear makeup and just chill out with each other and share a few drinks. The thought of only having a few drinks was soon thrown out the window as I emptied the second bottle of wine.

"I think Frank's going to propose." Molly confessed and twirled the ends of her hair round her finger.

"Really?" Rachel smiled with tears in her eyes. "It would make us so happy to see that happen. You've been dating for four years!"

"You don't have to remind me twice!" Molly laughed and the girls followed in unison. "My Mom keeps pestering me."

"How's your Mom and Dad, Ame?" Olivia questioned and turned around to face me.

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