Chapter 70 - DR

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It was safe to say that Daniel and I were in a very good place when I arrived in Italy a few days prior to any racing which was due to begin. We spent those two days, just us two in our own blissful bubble, sight seeing around the gorgeous landscapes and consuming enough pasta to feed a village.

Although I had my excuses; I was eating for two. I did feel bad as I could eat exactly what I wanted and not feel the slightest bit guilty, but Daniel had to watch himself if he wanted to avoid getting shouted at by Michael.

Rachel had flown out with me, but now she was MIA, as well as Michael. We hadn't heard from either of them in two days; obviously together but we knew that they'd make up some wild story as to where they were and how they couldn't possibly be spending any time together.

Today, I turned four months pregnant. Almost reaching halfway there, or halfway cooked as Daniel kept suggesting.

My tight-fitting clothes had been swapped for comfier, flowy clothes and breathable fabrics as if I had of worn anything bodycon or tight fitting, my physique was a dead giveaway that I was pregnant and not experiencing severe bloating.

"Come back in one piece, DR." I whispered as I faced up towards Daniel, dressed in his racing gear as he readied himself for qualifying.

"You've never called me DR before, it's sexy." Daniel raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes as he chuckled under his breath.

"Get within the top ten today and maybe you can hear me say it later." I smirked as I leaned forward more, Daniel's lips crashing down onto mine as we giggled together, his new stubble grazing my skin greatly.

"Come on lovebirds, time to get in the car DR." Michael said as he tapped Daniel on the shoulder.

"It's not as sexy when Mike says it." Daniel teased as I backed away from him, placing my hands across my back as I watched him zip up his suit.

Before Daniel hopped into the car, he bent down onto his knees and placed a quick kiss across my stomach before standing up, winking at me and running over to the vehicle.

"That was cute." Rachel smiled as she walked over to me, brushing her fingers through her hair. "Mike and I are going for dinner later, did you two want to join? We haven't seen you guys very much since we got here."

"Yeah, sorry about that." I giggled as I moved my hair over my shoulder. "We've just been enjoying some time to ourselves. Sorry that you've been left with Michael." I told her as I couldn't help but smirk in her direction.

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