Page 7 : Seeking you first

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Sonny Pov

I arrived at SVU, and saw Liv walking to me. A worried expression on her face.

"Sonny, how is Amanda and the baby?" She asked me.

"Amanda is good so is our baby. 7 almost 8 weeks and strong, Liv look." I told and showed her the photo. "So much stronger, the heartbeat is unbelievable. Just..." I stopped and look at the photo with Liv. She looked at me worried.

"Sonny? Just?" She asked and I look at her.

"I'm worried about Amanda, the doctor told that her HG is severe now, Amanda have been feeling nauseous these days, luckily better but, last night she told me she was dizzy. And that is one of the symptoms of HG, I told Billie and Jesse, to call me and if they can't you or Fin." I told as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Sonny, she will be okay. She has the girls with her. I'll keep my phone on when we are in the courthouse."


"Carisi, listen she will be okay. Focus on your victim." She told, I knew she knew I needed that or else my mind will be trading.

"How did the appointment go?" Liv asked gently

"Questions, which freaked me out. Then they did a pelvic exam and the TVS ultrasound." I told as she nodded. "How was that?" She asked I knew she was there with Amanda last time and today seeing her I knew Liv wanted to know how she was.

"Uncomfortable but, good." I told as Liv nodded. "That time as well." Liv told and I nodded.

"Everything is still okay, and great?" She asked and I nodded

"Luckily they will only do the sonogram from now, only if needed with the rest." I told as she smiled

"I'm glad." she told smiling as I smiled happily. She took me to her office, and there was Fin and the squad. Liv called Fin aside, as I stayed with the squad.

Fin Pov

Liv called me and I wondered am I doing something wrong?

"Liv, is everything alright?" I asked as she smiled

"Yes, it's Amanda." She told and I looked worried

"Is she okay? Carisi looks fine?" I told as she smiled.

"Fin, Amanda is good. Her appointment went well, Carisi told me that she has dizziness and nauseous. The doctor explained that her HG is severe now." She told and I look at Carisi, his mind was there but, somehow I could see he is away.

"And Carisi?" I asked as she nodded.

"He is here since he needs to be but, he is not here." She told and I nodded.

"Understanding it's his wife." I told as she nodded.

"If the girls call you, tell us. My phone is on as well." She told as I nodded. We walked back and I placed my hands on Carisi shoulder. He saw me and smiled.

We gathered all the information, and Sonny, Liv and I keep checking our phones. We head to the courthouse, as Liv and I stopped Carisi.

"Liv told me, we will let you know. Relax, put your phone off. We got this for you." I told as Carisi smiled at us. His eyes were drowsy and down. I embraced him in a hug as Liv followed.

"Thank you." He told as we smiled at him.

Amanda with Jesse and baby Billie when they were younger

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Amanda with Jesse and baby Billie when they were younger

Jesse Pov

Mommy was in her room resting while Billie and I watched tv. We finished our homework and just relaxed.

We kept an eye on mommy. She was sleeping but, we took turns.

Billie insisted we must sit with mommy and we put the tv off and went. We both went into our parents room. And climbed onto the bed.

I lay down with Billie next to me. Looking at mommy. She was so peaceful. Billie pointed at mommy tummy. I smiled seeing momma hand on her stomach.

Billie Pov

Jesse and I watched mommy sleep. When we both kissed mommy's forehead suddenly mommy woke up.

Jesse, Billie? Are you both alright?" Mommy asked gently as we both smiled. We nodded as momma smiled.

"Do you both want to sleep here with mommy?" Mommy asked as Jesse and I look at each and at momma as we nodded.

We laid down and cuddled. As we all fall asleep.

Amanda Pov

I woked up feeling nauseous seeing Billie and Jesse still fast asleep. I just took a few breaths. When I felt everything coming up. I rushed out and into the bathroom.

Jesse Pov

I heard a strange noise and woke up seeing Billie sleeping, then I saw mommy was not here. I heard the noise again and realized it was mommy.

I jumped off the bed and rushed to the bathroom seeing mommy throwing up. I took her hair and held her tide.

"It's okay momma." I told gently holding her.

"Jesse..." Momma wanted to say but threw up.

"It's okay momma." I heard running and saw Billie standing there.

"Is momma okay?" She asked me and I smiled nodding. As Billie went to mommy side and grabbed mommy towel.

Momma took a few breaths and cried. Billie look at me and I looked at her, we hugged momma, knowing she wasn't feeling well.

"You two are the best." Momma told looking at us, as she took the towel and wiped her face. We three sit with mommy on the floor, stroking her face and her hair. Momma smiled at us.

"You two are my everything. You know?" She told as we smiled at momma

We cuddled for a few moments until Mommy stood up, she held her head as Billie looked at me, just as worried as I am.

Billie mouthed something and I realized that. "Call daddy or Aunt Livia." She whispered as I nodded running out and grabbing the phone and call daddy.


Photos from Law and Order SVU
Season 21 episode 9
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