Page 3 : A Friendship like Mothership.

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Amanda Pov

Sonny took the girls, and went to work, I was alone watching movies. Suddenly I fell asleep on the couch, I got woken up by a knock on the door. I stood up and there was Liv.

"Manda, did you eat?" She asked and I looked at my watch 11:30.

"No, I forgot. I felt asleep. Come in." I told as she walked with me to my kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" She asked and I smiled

"Much better, haven't thrown up since last night."

"And you haven't eat?" She asked giving me a home-made pasta. "Go sit and eat." She demanded as I rolled my eyes and smile at her taking my plate and sit down, as she followed next to me.

"How is everything going at SVU, Capitan?" I asked as she look at me.

"I need you back. All the new ones are making me crazy, I told them I have an appointment just Fin knew I came, but he couldn't come since he is next in charge." She told, I knew she was joking about me coming back, she is so supportive of me being at the school and it's my 2nd year now teaching.

"Do me a favor and tell your students to listen to their commanding officer." She laughed as I followed.

"Oh, my students didn't apply yet with you, and I didn't always and look I'm friends with one." I laughed as she laughed with me.

"You were something else." She told as I opened my mouth laughing, we just laughed.

"I miss you

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"I miss you." She told then I saw tears in her eyes.

"Liv?" I asked and embraced her.

"I'm sorry." She tremble, I looked at her.

"Why?" I asked hugging her tide.

"Usually I'm strong-headed now, I break infront of you."

"This isn't the first time you cried before me?" I told as she smiled.

"About our own things, I know but work never." She wiped her eyes and looked at me I smiled at her.

"What happened?" I asked as we lay back.

"I don't know, I just feel so down. Do you think I must quite, I mean 26 years at SVU... I..." I break her up.

"Liv, no. You are the most amazing captain person that has worked there. Your my inspiration. You took care of me. And still do." I told and pointed at the bowl of pasta.

"Who is taking care of me?" She cried and I held her close, man something must really broke her.

"I will, and I promise." I told holding her tide.

"Amanda, it's Stabler. He told me he loved me and I am so angry at him. I love him but, what if he leaves again?"

"Oh Liv." I murmur holding her tide.

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