Page 11 : It's just a dream.

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Olivia Pov

"Amanda, what is going on? They are save." I told her I knew it's the hormones getting to her, something was still on. I just didn't want to push it.

"Are they?" She asked wiping her eyes. I touch her stomach and look at her. I took her hand and placed it by her womb.

"They are, so is this little one." I told her hugging her tide. "Let's go!" I told and held her as we went back to the bunker room.

I watched as Amanda look at her girls and at Sonny sleeping with them. I watched Noah sleeping in his bed. Fast asleep. I held Amanda, we stayed like that, as I felt her breathing getting softer. I realized she is sleeping. I gently laid back against the wall and laid with her as I felt asleep.

I got woken up by a soft crying noise, I opened my eyes and saw Amanda crying next to me, she was asleep. Is he having a nightmare?

"Please stop, get off me." Amanda wimps, I looked at Sonny, what the hell is going on?


"Please stop!" Amanda begged again. I looked at her "Amanda!" I asked as she screamed waking us up. Amanda was still sleeping whimpering.

"Amanda!" Sonny yelled running to us as the girls and Noah rush up.

"Mom?" Noah asked as I watched Sonny holding Amanda talking to her while she sleeps.

"Sonny, what is going on? Are you hurting Amanda." I yelled at him

"No! Are you crazy? For the past week she is getting this nightmares, she doesn't talk about it. When I asked she shut me out. Amanda! You're safe, calm down, calm down I'm here." He told gently kissing her forehead as Amanda raise up crying.

"Sonny!" She cried holding onto him. I looked at Billie and Jesse. They were silent, like they knew about this. I knew it's not Sonny, she won't be holding him if things are happening.

"Amanda, you're okay, were save see." He told her as I saw her, I never saw her like this before. Trough everything she's been trough.

Amanda saw me, and cried again. I looked at Sonny he held her tide. What is going on. I leaved and started to worry, Jesse came out and got herself something to drink.

"Is mommy okay?" I asked as she nodded smiling

"Mommy is sleeping, daddy got her to sleep again." She told and I knew something is up.

"Is mommy getting it all the time?" I asked as she nodded

"Since last week, we didn't knew. Daddy told it happened on Monday. We found out on Wednesday, since mommy screamed and went hysterical. Daddy got her to calm, since then mommy is sad and down." She told and it explains her behavior off stress and crying.

"Did mommy tell you anything?" I asked her and she looked at me. "Not even daddy knows. Mommy doesn't talk about it." She told and head back.

What is going on? Suddenly Sonny came and sit down, I saw he was stressed and upset. "I don't know how to help her Liv." He cried as I went and embraced him.

"What is she dreaming about?" I asked as he looked at me.

"It's started with talking, that's she is safe, that her family is save, then she screamed, then it keep continue. That happened on Monday. Theusday, she screamed in her sleep, she was fighting, since I grabbed her then she kicked me. Wednesday she went hysterical and screaming the girls found out that night. Thursday she was crying in her sleep. Friday she yelled Saturday she went crazy she fought I was the enemy, Sunday it sounded like she was being raped. And tonight it sounded like she was being raped again." He told and cried I was shocked to see him like this and hearing all this.

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