Page 21 : A Climpse of Eternity

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Amanda Pov

I was so distracted, I could feel the baby. Sonny was holding tide onto me, I was at his hands putting all my pressure, I'm sure it's blue by now. I didn't even realized I was moaning and groaning from the pain.

"Amanda?" I heard a voice and saw Liv and Fin with my doctor looking at me with their shocked, fearful and horrifying expression written on their faces.

"I can feel the baby." I cried again, as a contraction hit me causing me to groan and falling in with my body as she rush to my side as she examine me.

"Amanda, it's to late for an epidural, your fully dilated." She told as I looked at Sonny.

"Your in the second stage, we can start. Baby is on its way, as we speak." She told as I looked at Sonny who smiled at me, I smiled back.

"I'll grab the girls and Noah. Good luck Amanda!" Fin yelled as Sonny and Liv nodded, I only showed okay with my hands as he rushed out.

"I'll be outside Amanda, Sonny take care of her." Liv told smiling at me, her smile was off worriedly and a soft mother smile, I could see she was stressed out and wanting to tear up.

"Liv." I mumbled trough breath, as Sonny helped me grabbing her shoulder.

"Liv, Amanda and I have already been talking about it months ago, we want you to be here." Sonny told as I nodded smiling up at her, her face was shocked and scared.

"I can't!'" She cried tearing up.

"Liv, please." I asked her gently taking her hand.

"I'm going to be so emotional, like you never known." She told as Sonny and I looked at each smiling and back at her.

"Be you, like I am now." I told preferring to my screams and moaning.

"I really fought she was your mother, until last time." My doctor told as we all laughed, as I distracted them with another wave of contraction.

"Okay, we are going to start." My doctor told as I nodded. I saw Liv's expression, she looked at me wanting to break down. She wiped her eyes and nodded standing on my left side. Liv moved to my bed as I wanted her, and she climbed on, as I lay down onto her body, while she sits and I laid halfway, her head was just ontop of mine, Sonny stood next to me, holding my hand at the same time, as he gets an view of the arrival.

"Okay momma, on the contraction just how you feel." She told gently.

Jesse was a cesarean birth (c-section) because of the fatal placental abruption, I went into shock, like Liv said I almost died.

Jesse was a cesarean birth (c-section) because of the fatal placental abruption, I went into shock, like Liv said I almost died

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Carisi with Liv by Amanda side, as she went into shock with the placental abruption.

Carisi with Liv by Amanda side, as she went into shock with the placental abruption

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