Page 22 : A filter of joy

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Amanda Pov

I watched myself trough all the years pain and joy. This is definitely the greatest joys.

I looked at my husband all smiling at me, while my best friend giving me the softest smile. I felt my body telling me I'm ready.

"You ready Amanda?" My doctor asked and I nodded, I felt another contractions strike. I looked at my doctor who nodded. "Push." She says and I did. I felt the pain but also the joy ahead.

"Very good!" She exclaimed, I took a few breaths, and pushed again.

"You got this!" Sonny told, I grab his hand stronger, as I looked at him. I gave him a soft smile.

"On three!" My doctor asked and Sonny and Liv counted with me, on three I pushed.

"So proud of you Manda!" Liv exclaimed, I saw tears forming in her eyelids. I gave her a smile.

"Your crowning Amanda, push." My doctor explained as I nodded.

"I can see the baby head." Sonny cried out, I gave him a smile, as tears formed in his eyes and mine.

I felt Liv squeezed my hand, as I pushed again. I held Sonny tide, "I felt the baby head past trough." Sonny looked at me with most joy and surprise on his face, I felt Liv grabbing my hand tied.

Sonny Pov

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Sonny Pov

I just saw the head form, my eyes watered. Amanda is just amazing! I can't believe she could do this. Amanda pushed again, she squeezed my hand, it was strong. The head showed completely. I was starstruck. I could see our kid, my eyesight begin to dim, I wiped with my shoulder. I saw Olivia smiling at me, her eyes drooling from tears.

I was nervous, I was in fear and I was crying. I looked at Amanda, she was smiling but, I could see she was exhausted already, her breathing trough the pain and the pushing made my heart ache, seeing her I knew she was exhausted. Olivia looked at Amanda trough her shoulder, she placed a soft kiss on the side of her head, as Amanda lay down by her chest, I was glad Liv was here, Amanda was needing that motherly presence.

Amanda pushed again as the doctor asked. "Manda, you are doing amazing." I told her, looking into her painful eyes and placed a kiss on her forehead. She gently looked at me.

"Your almost finish." I told her gently she looked at me with a feeling of appreciation, as tears fell down her eyes. I cried looking at her.

Olivia Pov

Amanda was doing so well, my tears were running. I felt her pushed her body against mine. Her hand squeezing mine, as I squeezed back with her momentum at my small friend laying infront of me.

I watched Sonny, I knew he loved Manda, seeing him supporting her was the wish I had for her, as their child appeared for Sonny to see, I cried that husband standing by his wife in the most difficult time. His care and wisdom touch, she was always in need of that, and here she is, having it. I saw Sonny being there for Jesse and Billie birth but, seeing him like this my heart ache with joy and sadness, he wanted to help her, but knew he couldn't I smiled at him.

I could only smile, at the strongest person at the moment infront of me, I felt her body tense up from the pain. The way she was holding, I felt her exhaustion and breathing trough her breaths. I placed a gentle kiss on the side of her head, she turned to me and laid her head against my chest, as she rise up again and pushed.

"Your almost finish." Sonny told her, as I felt her break down.

"You got this my girl!" I explained without caring what I said, she needs it and felt her hand giving me a soft grab.

"Amanda, there is no movement." The doctor told suddenly, I felt Amanda rise up.

Amanda Pov

I was tired and exhausted, seeing Sonny taking care of me. I wished and he was there. He never leaved me. Seeing him cry and talking to me made me cry. Seeing the expression on his face as the head appeared I was in heaven.

I felt Liv's, motherly presence. I needed that. That care and support, she was it and always will be like a mom to me. She placed a kiss on my head, I felt satisfying and at peace as I laid against her chest.

Sonny telling me it's almost over, I just break down crying I don't deserve him, he is my everything.

Liv telling me I got this, calling me her girl. I was proud. I grabbed her hand telling her thank you.

"Amanda, there is no movement. " My doctor explained, I was horrified I rise up.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her, as I saw Sonny looking at me from the corner of my eye. Liv helping me into a sitting position.

"Baby is having shoulder dystocia." She told and I felt myself tremble.

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