Page 28 : A Beat of defiance

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Amanda Pov

We arrived at the precinct, I was holding Waylen as we walked up. I did say bye to my doctor afterwards and she told me, I will have exhaustion and need to keep myself calm.

I was greeted by Fin and Velasco. When I entered Liv office, Munchy came in and greeted me giving Liv an update on their case. I was just sitting on the couch, holding Waylen. He was sleeping so, I held him.

I stood up and went to the break room, there I just sit down with Waylen in my arms getting something from the vending machine, when I spotted my chipmunk. "Funny." I replied laughing. I head back, when Sonny rushed in with a flower bouquet.

"And this?" I asked shocked looking at him.

"I felt terrible." He replied, I laughed and gave him a kiss.

"Well, thank you Mr Carisi." I smirked as everyone laughed.

We head into Liv office, I just sat down on the couch again, and looked down at our son.

Everyone went on talking when I heard my name.

"Amanda?" Liv asked again

"Yes." I asked softly looking up.

"Are you up for the trail?" She asked and I nodded. "More then ready, I know my forensics Psychology." I told as they nodded.

"Great Manda. Then what else?" Liv asked Munchy as she continued. Dominick went out to talk to the suspect with Fin, and Velasco was in and out the office with Liv and Munchy listening.

It went on for as along as I can remember, I just felt asleep on the couch with Waylen in my arms. I was so exhausted.

Velasco Pov

I walked in the office, after being send out.

"Velasco, get us all something to eat. We are going to be busy." Captain Benson explained I nodded and then I saw Amanda, she was out on the couch.

"Captain, should I get Amanda also?" I asked as she turn to Amanda, she was out.

"Oh Amanda, we're so busy we forgot about her." Captain Olivia explained I saw she was upset about this.

"Velasco, get her also. I know she loves it." Captain told I rushed out.

Munchy Pov

"Munchy can you wake Amanda and let her lay down." Captain Benson told and I nodded as she walked in to the room with the suspect.

I slowly went to Amanda, she was exhausted. "Amanda, lay down." I softly whispered but nothing.

I saw the baby carrier sitting down on the floor. I gently picked it up and opened it.

I hope she doesn't kill me, if I take her son. I took a deep breath and gently held her boy, I softly pulled but, she was wide awake.

"Munchy?" She asked softly

"Amanda, lay down I just want to put him in his carrier." I softly told as she smiled at me, he was so peaceful. She let me take him and I softly placed him in his carrier, I smiled at his little face so adorable. I forget Amanda was staring at me.

"You ever fought about having kids?" She asked as I smiled a little embarrassed.

"Maybe in the future." I told softly she smiled at me. She laid down on the couch. And went back to sleep. Her son was fast asleep on the floor in the carrier. Her hand was near the carrier. I smiled it was a different side.

Olivia Pov

I walked out and saw Munchy starring at Amanda fast asleep with Waylen in his carrier.

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