Page 10 : Revisiting My Past

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Amanda Pov

I was discharged the following day, Sonny took me home, along with the girls. I was so happy to be home. I felt much better. Even though my HG, can still occur. I tried my best to stay calm and take the new medicine.

I went back to teaching again. The professors knew I was pregnant, and also keeping an eye on me since HG can occur, they will be there when I needed help, just the students didn't know until I'll show.

I went on with my teaching, and enjoy every minute of it. Knowing it's the first time I don't have to be on desk judy. It was a different kind of pregnancy.


I picked the girls up, from school.

"Are you okay, if we can visit aunty Livia?" I asked them as they nodded smiling, I drove them to Liv house.

I knocked and Liv opened up, she was off today.

"Manda!" She yelled happily giving me a hug.

"Liv!" I yelled smiling she looked at my stomach.

"Growing each day, I see." She told and I smiled. I'm now 4 months pregnant or 16 weeks. "How are feeling these days?" Liv asked me

"Better, getting bigger and bigger. And exhausted." I laughed as she touch my womb, I smiled. She loves it.

"I want to know, Noah wanted to go to the park?" She asked and I smiled

"That would be amazing." I told smiling as we got our stuff and climbed into Liv car.

"How are you Aunty Manda?" Noah asked me smiling

"Bigger than normal." I told as he laughed at me, we stopped at the park and the kids ran out as we followed and sit down on a bench looking at the kids.

"So momma, what are you two naming the baby?" She asked I smiled

"Picking names is harder then I fought, especially when you're married." I replied falling my head onto the couch. As I saw Jesse and Billie playing with Noah.

"Why?" She laughed at me

"We have no idea, we keep talking about it but, then he decides, it terrible. Then I do, it's worse." I told as she laughed

"I had a friend, her brother is named after birth they were so late with it that they just name."

"What did they name him?"

"Norman." She told and I fought

"Surname?" I asked confused

"Bates." She told and I nodded laughing as we both laughed.

"Norman Bates." We both joked

"Hopefully Amanda, your son won't." Liv told as I look at her laughing.

"Dominic and I are going to have a chat tonight, to get it." I told as we laughed, we looked at the kids playing in a jungle jim tent. Dominic was with Fin, who knows what they are doing.

"Any new things happening?" Liv asked and I fall back with my head.

"No, just still nauseous. Luckily I'm not throwing up." I told as Liv smiled at me placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Pregnancy looks good on you Amanda." She told and I smiled at her, I looked at my girls and just went into thoughts.

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