Page 13 : My heart shattered into a million pieces

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Amanda Pov

I grabbed Sonny hands. Started crying "Is the baby okay?" I yelled, I winched as Sonny held me close to him.

"We found the bleeding!" She yelled I looked at Sonny. "Don't leave me!" I cried

Sonny Pov

I saw them work on Amanda, they let me stay with her. They stopped the bleeding. They wanted Amanda to wait a little for the other test, so they left till she is ready. Liv and Fin came back in and saw Amanda, she was down and tired. I left a little to give Amanda some rest. She agreed to relaxed.

"Amanda and the baby?" Liv asked crying

"Their both save, the drug cause that." I explained to them as they looked at me.

"The drug?" Fin asked confused

"It causes the placenta to tear from the uterus wall. They found it in time." I explained to them

"And the test?" Liv asked me too

"They will do the other test when she is relax." I told as they nodded.

"What did you see about Amanda?" I asked worriedly

"Sonny, listen they didn't. I shot him before he could, you know. He fall ontop of her and she screamed. She was half naked underneath, her shirt was tore, I took my jacket off and covered her. He didn't. " Fin told and I fall to the chair looking at her.

"Thanks for everything." I told him, he nodded

Suddenly Amanda woked up and smiled gently at us trough the glass door as we entered to her.

"Manda?" Liv asked gently walking to her with us following.

"How are you feeling, Manda?" She asked

"Baby is fine, they stopped the bleeding. The drugged they gave me, was actually a drug to hurt the placenta, they found it in time, baby is fine and healthy." She told as gently as a smile appear with tears in her eyes. She cried wiping her tears as I smiled holding her kissing her forehead.

"I'll call the doctor." Liv told and went as she came back.

"You ready for the other test?" She asked as Amanda nodded.

"First we are doing the fluid test." She told and placed a swap in Amanda mouth. She looked disgusted as I smiled at her.

"You have one!" She yelled disgusted at me and smiled

"You're the quest on the bed." I smirked as she narrow her eyes at me, I laughed

We all stood by her side, as they did the exam. Amanda didn't want anyone to leave, but I held her hand. Liv stood at her left side I'm on the right, Fin stood by the door, wanting to give us space.

Amanda Pov

They did a pelvic exam, which was a little uncomfortable, then a fluid swap, and what seems needed. I saw Fin walking in and out, he saw me laying there when I was complete vulnerable. I think it took a piece of him seeing me. I was glad Sonny didn't see, it would've break me.

My doctor asked me for a Sonogram, she did. Sonny held my hand, as the screen appeared.

And there was our baby, full grown as a form. Still small. The heartbeat was strong.

"Do you want to know the gender?" She asked and Sonny and I looked at each, and smiled. We talked about this.

"No." We both told as Liv and Fin looked at us.

"We wanted the baby to be a surprise when it arrives." I told as Sonny nodded smiling.

"Really?" Liv asked as Fin laughed

"You going to have to wait Liv. " Fin told as we laughed.

She closed me up and went out, we waited for the test results.

"Did he?" Sonny asked me and I smiled at him, he cares so much.

"No, I promise." I told gently holding his hand placing my free hand on his face.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked

"What happened?" Liv asked I smiled at Sonny.

"They shot me here, there is were I was drugged they took me down the elevator then down the stairs and placed me in a car, I fainted during that. I woke up in a basement. I was tide up, my hands was tide with rope. I asked what they wanted, the one guy came over me and tore my shirt and unzip his pants he leaned over me, I felt him pushed down onto my arms, I couldn't move, I tried fighting him off, he grabbed my waist ready to pull down my pants I kicked him. He got angry and slapped me trough the face. Next thing I knew I was out, then I woked up, they tide my legs up. I was laying there, when I saw the other man come closer he pulled halfway down my pants and unzip and lean over me. I felt him pushed me down his body ontop of me and I heard noises, then I heard a gunshot I screamed as I saw his face coming closer to me, his body falling on me...I saw Fin, he told me I am okay, he took him off and saw me, me took off his jacket and covered me, he untied me and helped me up, I dressed myself in his long jacket, and he held me."

"When he fell on you, did he?" Sonny asked I smiled at him.

"Sonny, no. I would knew." I told him gently touching his arm, I knew he was worried.

I had guys before him, hence Jesse and Billie dad's which I'm not not quite proud off but, I love my girls trough that. I'm glad I met him.

"Dom,I promise. You were the only one in the past 4 months, hence few days ago after...." I told remembering that beautiful night.

"Okay, I get it. Shh." He told blushing as Liv and Fin laughed as we laughed.

Suddenly the doctor came back and smiled. "Good news. The test are negative. No semen was in her reproductive organs. No semen in her mouth either, there is no genital trauma or force entry. Amanda is perfectly fine." My doctor told as I smiled as all nodded in relief.

"Told ya." I told smiling

"However, we did found semen. It's days old." She told as Sonny and I looked at each blushing.

"It's fine." Sonny interrupted blushing

"It didn't match them?" She told and Sonny face slapped himself as I chuckled seeing Liv and Fin laughed and turning around laughing, as my doctor looked at us.

"Oh, I guess I made this uncomfortable enough." She told as we chuckled.

"Well, you can just relaxed until we bring the released papers." My doctor told smiling as she walked out. Liv and Fin walked out leaving us.

Just then Fin stopped. "No funny business you two." He joked as Liv slapped him behind the head.

"Leave them." Liv chuckled helping Fin out.

"Awkward!" Sonny told as I grab him and kissed him, he followed too. "I would do it anytime again with you." I smiled at him as we smiled

"I love you."

"I love you too!"

"I love you too!"

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Photos from Law and Order SVU

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