Page 15 : A Mother's worse fear

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Amanda Pov

I took Billie and Jesse to the park and just relaxed. I watched them play and have fun. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw Liv.

"Fought I saw you." Liv told me I smiled at her, as I saw Noah join my girls.

"How are you doing?" She asked me smiling.

"Well morning sickness is gone. 24 weeks or 6 months and growing. You?" I asked smiling

"I'm good Amanda." She told smiling at me as we watched the kids

" She told smiling at me as we watched the kids

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I took the girls to school along with Sonny. We kissed them both as they run off.

"Bye momma, daddy!" They both yelled

"Bye see later." We yelled as we drove off.

Sonny went and dropped me of at work.

"Love you Manda!"

"Love you Sonny."

"Love you little peanut!" Sonny told holding my stomach, suddenly I felt the baby kick, I quickly grabbed Sonny hand and placing it by the kick. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Peanut? I think the baby likes that." I told as Sonny smiled.

"Should be the baby second name?" Sonny told smirking

"Hell No!" I yelled as we laughed, I climbed out and smiled at Sonny.

"See later?" He told and I nodded.

Sonny Pov

I arrived at my work when I got a call from Benson.


"Liv? Are everything okay?"

"We have another victim advocate needed."

"On my way." I yelled as we laid off.

I rushed to the SVU precinct, and saw Liv with the victim.


We all were busy and just done what was needed. When Liv got a call, she excused her out, as I got a call from Amanda.

"He ..."

"Sonny the kids are gone!" She yelled her voice breaking

"Amanda, what is...?"

"Sonny, the girls got taken from school..." She told again I heard my stomach dropped when Liv run in.

"Noah is Missing!" She yelled I continued

"The girls too!" I yelled as they looked at me. I put Amanda on speaker.

"What is going on Amanda?"

"Billie and Jesse was taken from school." Amanda cried

"Noah as well!' Liv cried too.

"Manda! Stay where you are!" Liv told her we will find them.

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